Vanguard Problem
Hello. I just updated my Windows this problem popped up. I checked windows update and everything is updated. Reboooted my laptop and it still says this. Everytime I restart my laptop after doing something related to Valorant now, it blue screens 😭Can i get some help on this please?

396 Replies
Open task manager
Then startup
Look for vgx tray
Make sure its enabled
Cant find it
Not appearing there
Open task manager
Then details
Close evry valorant,riot client and vanguard related apps/services
Open control panel
Uninstall programs
Uninstall riot vanguard
Open cmd as admin and type these commands:-
1) sc delete vgc
2)sc delete vgk
Navigate to ur C drive then program files and find vanguard folder and delete it.
Then open riot client and click update
Restart ur pc after the update.
Done. Still comes up with the same thing. Another thing to note is that after restarting, everytime it has blue screened. Would this help to further understand the problem?
Look for vgx tray again
In task manager

Could this be a Valorant Problem thats slowly growing?
The blue screens?
Alot of people having that issue
This error? Not rly
The Error in general.
Which one
dude im having the same problem
i temporarily fixed it by fully resseting my pc
the one im facing rn.
Press win+r
Type msinfo32
Show ss

Ok lets try this
Open cmd as admin
Type these commands
sc delete vgk
sc delete vgc
Show result for both
that didnt work either btw
i tried those commands deleted my vangaur after

Open riot client
Click update for valorant
Hm, it didnt show up with the update symbol but with the Play Symbol. I did click play. Awaiting what Valorant is going to do now.
Ah it worked.
😂 The world is a funny place. Thanks Jidat.
oh fr?
lemme try again rq
yep fresh no problems now.

uh i pressed update but it didnt update.
How did you did it ?
now it says i need to restart
Did you do this and get the same result?
Spam click it
Restart then
should i restart?
I just put the two commands into admin cmd
and opened valorant
and it worked
Da hail
Whats the code ?
I mean
Meh how did that work
It might give u a error code
I will try it later tho
ok currently opening val
Van 84 or sum like that
I have no idea 😭
It didnt give me any error code
Ill load up a DM and see
Nah i am confused about how it opened without getting the update option first
Too ezz ig?
ty bro
Yeah. It came up with the multiple times before.
Will it give you another Blue screen tho ?
Yo waht the hell
Somehow i opened my valorant
It hasnt given me one yet so 🤞 it doesnt
I used Right click and "Open"
Its working
Maybe Its Valorants problem
Hold up
It says the same problem as you @Aryan.
Its Vanguard ahh
Imma try rebooting it
since its like the 2nd or 3rd time
How about u just do what i told the other guys?
Ah yes. Now it came up with Error 5.
Hm yeah thought so

Restart ur pc
It should give u a update option instead of play this time
I Rebootes my pc
@Aryan. Looks like you and i have the same problem
I was saying that to aryan
@Aryan. did u get the update option?
I will keep a follow of this thread tho
Loading in right now. Did restart and it didnt blue screen so that’s positive.
Did u do the 2 commands?
I havent
Then what are u waiting for?
Ok good
And after updating, it says to restart. Should I restart it?
I will do it when this problem is solved
I dont like losing fils
Lemme save those files
What files are u loosing by writing those commands?
I am going to do it when @Aryan. has solved the problem and can run Valorant without any Blue screens or Having a Crash
And it did blue screen.
Why not before that?
I dont like losing my files
I am asking again, what files are u gonna loose with those commands?
U r making 0 sense rn
I dont like being too risky man
That doesnt mean i dont trust you
Again, what risk are u talking about?
Losing some files, like important ones
dw man u wont loose any files
Are you sure ?
Did open Valorant and it once again came up with E57
U think u will loose files by typing those commands?
yeah ive done it so many times and nothing happened
I am not sure
alright then
what are the commands
I am prepared
Make sure to run cmd as admin btw
Can you type the command here
sc delete vgk
sc delete vgc
Theres spaces ?
included ?
sc space delete space vgk -> enter
sc space delete space vgc -> enter
What now ?
Show results
Same as Aryan
What now ?
send an ss to be more clear
anywho, i tried the process again, it didnt come up with an update, instead play
once i clicked play it did open valorant but soon as i start to play a match it comes up with error5
so that might further help the situation?
Hm yeah

What now bruh
Open riot client and click update for valorant
Open task manager
Do i close The cmd or not?
Close everything related to valorant and riot client
Close it

It says... Play ?
I think ur in the same situation as me then
No updates
Whats next ?
Open the game
Both of u
Its running
Lets see..
I did
It did the exact same
After i opened the range tho
Before that, everything runs just fine
Looks like its running
I am in the main home
Its when you load into a mode that it starts to affect the user
Val 5 has always been like that
Open control panel
Uninstall programs
i am not gonna open any modes
Can u see riot vanguard there?
Open range
Range ?
Open task manager
Then details
Close evry valorant,riot client and vanguard related apps/services
Open control panel
Uninstall programs
Uninstall riot vanguard
Open cmd as admin and type these commands:-
1) sc delete vgc
2)sc delete vgk
Navigate to ur C drive then program files and find vanguard folder and delete it.
Then open riot client and click update
Restart ur pc after the update.
Val 5
Do this please @Mythmaker 壹决 ^
aight ill do this right after i have lunch. be back to you in a while.
Close everuthing related to valorant ?
Looks like everyone is having a problem
Almost everyone
I think we should do a ticket
Did u do this yet?
Do i close riot client ?
Just do what it says..
how do i open Control panel ?
Is it Win+r ? @
Search for control panel in windows search
Do i Completely Uninstalll Riot vanguard ?
Ok deleted
Wait i have to delete it again on Cmd ?
Type those commands again yes
Its to make sure it was deleted properly
Both doesnt exist
I dont think i see the "Vanguard" Folder i even check Valorant and Riot client folder
Skip that step
Yep it says update
It doesnt show like updating

What should i do ?
I pressed update again
Same as like this

@jidat Should i reboot now ?
Ok no Bluescreena
Hopefully when i open riot client it doesnt Blue screen
@jidat Holdup which one do i open ? Valorant or Riot client
Doesn't matter tbh
The problem is still the same
Imma check if theres even Vanguard
It doesnt say any
And I checked my Windows C:
There is no vanguard
Status :
• No Vanguard
• Unable to play the game
from riot client
lemme check from valorant(app)
Opened valorant from Valorant app
Oh how unfortunate
It says
"Vanguard Not initialized"
Status :
• No Vanguard ( Val 5 code appeared when Open Valorant)
• Unable to play the game
Jidats offline
@Aryan. How is it going ?, is it running for you ?
Imma reinstall it

Vanguard folder I deleted already.
My laptop has started to another update while restarting so waiting on it
I reinstalled it
How is it going man
It’s still updating 😂😂😂
pls can someone help me
my acc is hacked
Make a new post and say that.
Yeah so it didnt work
Once again, i did just sc delete vgc+vgk
it opened up but no match making allowed
Did it give u the update option after u sc deleted vgc and vgk or it gave u the play option again?
play option
Meh it shouldn't do that
Did u restart after that? And it gave u the update option?
Hm lets do a thing
Open task manager
Then details tab
Close everything related to vanguard,riot client and valorant
Open cmd as admin
Type these commands
sc delete vgk
sc delete vgc
Close cmd
Restart ur pc (do not try to open riot client or valorant before restarting)
After the restart, open riot client
See if it gives u the update option or play option
Update option
Update it
If nothing happens when u click update
Spam click it for a minute
Bro my wifi is bad
Skill issue tbh
Yep. Asked to restart.
Anyways its 50% done
Restart ur pc
And i swear if it doesnt launch valorant after i Reinstall it imma touch grass
It has been 45+ minutes
Don’t you already?
I reinstalled it
U reinstalling the whole game?
Blue screened otw to restarting.
Show the bluescreen
I reinstalled it like 45 or 50 ? Minutes ago
It disappeared 😭
Try to open the game
anyways i was playing Chess
We are gon have to go to some extreme lengths if this doesn't work 👿
Requires system to restart.
Valorant issue
Almost everyone i see on this community help thread has almost the same problem
I like how this guy just showed up for a minute and dipped after just his issue got fixed lmao
Haha yeah. If this doesn’t work I’ve sidelined riot support and will check w em if it’s their problem. Been playing for nearly a year and this hasn’t happened.
Exactly dude
Almost everyone?
Idk about that
I think so
Not almost everyone but it’s growing
Yeah it is
Restart again
Restarting rn.
Btw if y'all get a message from someone claiming to be from the "support team", report them and show the dm u got from them here
Did blue screen, disappeared within 2 seconds.
Once again, asking to restart.
Old, old, deleted
Shut down ur pc
Open it back up
The bluescreens are causing it not to restart properly
Is it possible that this problem is accoured by Valorant having an "Outdated" or "Corrupted" files
It might also boot u into the recovery environment
Anyways How much TB did yall Valorant had when you guys checked on Panel
Control. panel*
I got like 3,86TB
No blue screens as off yet
Open the game again or run some cmds bfr hand?
Ive heard of Corrupted Valorant files, and they exist just not 100% sure if this Problem were having is caused by a Corrupted file
Either way its a Hard or even Impossible problem
Just Visual Bug Ignore it
i got 1.22 PB
did u get to launch val
im having the same problem
wont let me launch
Yeah so, basically
whats Code
i cant even open the game
pull up new post if its not 57
If you don’t do anything else except open command prompt as admin and type sc delete vgc+vgk it lets you open Val but when you load into the a game it comes up with error 5
hes logged out
Oh what
😭 b
taskbar > tray > riot client> sign in

it finally opened
i tried opening from riot client it wasnt working wtf
Riot Client logs out accounts after 30 days
I am not done reinstalling valorant
damn thats like almost half of our brains storage
Still waiting
Its needs 4%
@Aryan. so.
Man fuck the download
Still says "Restart"
But will try restarting
Fuck it
It is Valorants Issue
Guys it will give us a Bluescreen
@Aryan. Seems like we wont be able to play valorant
I followed a tutorial On YT
Doesnt seem to work at all
Nothing worked for me. As I said, I was also following with Riot Support and they did give me a thing to do. If it works I’ll share it.
Show the thing
Lemme log on, 1 sec.
I have analyzed the log files you attached, I want to recommend clean booting and switching from a private DNS to Google's public DNS.
This will let the game choose the smoothest and most efficient connection route possible.
Here is a step-by-step guide to help you out!
✔️ Clean Boot
Some programs can cause interference with the game.
Turning off those programs can help the game run smoother.
[How to Clean Boot] ⬅️ Click!
Make sure all overlay programs are disabled(such as VPN, Overwolf, Oculas and etc)
After clean booting, if the problem does not occur, there could have been an issue with some software programs.
Deleting or closing unnecessary software programs could resolve the issue.
If Vanguard doesn't start after clean booting
Manually start Vanguard by This PC > Program Files > Riot Vanguard > vgtray
How to perform a clean boot in Windows - Microsoft Support
Describes how to use the clean boot process to troubleshoot a problem in Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, or Windows Vista.
Yeah u can do that
I am still doing the second part, because half of it didn’t work the first time so if it doesn’t work the second time I’ll have to inform Riot.
What is the 2nd part?
Doing a clean boot?
Also make sure u don't accidentally disable the Microsoft services
Changing the DNA
That’s the first part
Just did this, and it got me to point 1 so 💀

Yoo mine dont work either
Im stuck at that im not able to play
ik im addicted but i js wanna play val lmao
LOL same. i just saw a spray that i REALLY want but this happened. Plus im generally on w my friends so this happening is a pain.
I fixed it
Did it yall work
Does yours blue screen?
Yea if i restart
But isnt it Dangerous ?
So you could load into a game just fine?
Yea im playing rn
Alright but what are the risk
So what did you do?
none really unless you mess it up
I changed 2 settings
wdym by messed up
give me a example
What were they
if you dont follow what it tells you to do ig
Tell me or send a Screenshot
I am trying to avoid it
send a screenshot of what
I will show u in a second
the "unless you messed up"
seems like most of us are here bc of the BSOD
I'm trying to fix the same issue, but solutions provided by riot support seem ineffective
Changing Dns ?
Did it
does not work
i will try that
don't even think this is a network issue tbh

I went to services and the vgc and changed it to automatic
oh there really isnt much to show
I did it, it doesn't change anything
I think its a Valorant Issue
Can you atleast show me or text it please?
Unfortunately Riot Support hasnt texted me
nah cuz i dont know XD
just vanguard bug I think we have to wait
My friend JUST experienced the same thing
what the hell is going on with this anyways
So its a Application problem
there wasn't even an update
not a user problem
Smth to do w recent patchwork ig
yeah its vanguard
I will help u after the comp
Yeah sire
this problem started yesterday for me
ive spent like 5 hours trying out solutions lol
Same man
Ive been trying to find a solution then

Add him he knows
He helped me to hes a friend
Add him to the server if you can🙏
He might be able to help more than one person 🙂
Lmao he cant
Can he write down how to do it in a list form?
@Aryan. Did it work ?
No lol
Its affecting everyone tho so Riot should talk abt it soon
@Aryan. download a program called "who crashed"
why is this error happening?
Cuz skill issue
bro i try everything on u guys say but it still doesnt work :val_Sadge:
Yeah it didnt work for me either lol
when it happen to u?
soon as i came back from school it started
lol same with me
Didn't you say it did work?
I reinstalled the game 2 times
And it worked
Ima not try that lol
dont wanna mess smth up 💀
mine didnt crash for two hours
then crashed in the middle of a game
you know what the funny thing was
i crashed at 11-2 and the enemy just surrendered after i crashed
so i got a win and match mvp
idk how to feel about this
Download this program called "who crashed" please
is it from a website called resplendance
Its from softonic
when i in game
my pc restart it self and vanguard has gone
thats why im afk in game rn
so probably im getting banned after game
what should i do?
First of all make ur own post please
After that?
Run it
Match the error with the time the crash occurred
This is me after 1 day without valorant
Taking a shit is peaceful
Lowkey if ur having lots of issues just contact the Val team
Yeah i did
They said they will be looking internally on this problem
ill send it in dms
every solution they've provided thus far has been ineffective
i guess i will have to wait for an eventual fix
it didnt work for m
i updated bios, got adrenaline driver thing or whatever, reinstalled val twice
still got the same message
Which one
error 57
Press win+r
Type services.msc
Look for vgc
Right click on it
Set startup type to automatic
Click start
If it shows an error, show me
lemme try logging on
alr it actually worked
tysm bro
help im trying to get stretch res rn but it shows custom how to fix???
@Aryan. can u do that too please.
It will prob not work for u as the issue is different
But nothing goes in trying
Do it after the memory test is finished tho
I have a feeling ur pc will crash the moment u press start lmao
Also what was the result for the memory diagnostics?
It didnt show me that
At the end it just restarted
It did say while running the test that it hadnt detected anything tho
Ah nvm. It said no error was detected.
Did u try that?
No lemme do that rn
aight. no errors. what do you want me to do next?
Open the game
thought there was an extra thing to do afterwards
Can u help me with this ?
Skill issue
Didnt work.
Is it 57?
Click on the upward arrow on ur task bar
Can u see the vanguard icon there?
After him can u help me ?
If i can, sure
İm waitng
Open task manager
Then details
Close evry valorant,riot client and vanguard related apps/services
Open control panel
Uninstall programs
Uninstall riot vanguard
Open cmd as admin and type these commands:-
1) sc delete vgc
2)sc delete vgk
Navigate to ur C drive then program files and find vanguard folder and delete it.
Then open riot client and click update
Restart ur pc after the update.
Blue screened while restarting.
What shold i do
Make ur own post please
Bro what is own post ?
this button

this shit is dog annoying
I fixed my val and now it broke again xD
Yeah i contacted Riot
Even they r struggling 😭
Tried memory tests, no effect
Reinstalled Windows 11, has some effect (Less frequent BSOD's due to vgk sys)
Follow this
Game works now 🙏
link doesnt work
maybe send a ss?
o alright
Hello again,
Thank you for sending over some updated logs. I understand that the problem persists, but we'll keep at it until we get it resolved for good!
Here's what I recommend trying out next:
1. To enable DEP, follow these steps:
• Open a Command Prompt using Run as Administrator and Execute the following command: bcdedit.exe /set nx AlwaysOn
• Enable DEP for Windows programs and services only (search for "advanced system settings" in the Windows search and go to the Performance tab)
• In that same tab, switching to the option "Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select:", and then selecting nothing.
2. Let's ensure that your system is in a trusted & secure state. To do this, run the following commands in the Command Prompt:
• Enter Start menu
• Type cmd and select Command Prompt
• Right click on it and select "Run as administrator"
• While in Command Prompts, type the following commands and press Enter after each one:
bcdedit.exe /set {current} nx OptIn
bcdedit.exe /set testsigning off
bcdedit.exe /set nointegritychecks off
After you finish with everything, you need to restart your PC (keep in mind that restarting and shutting down the PC is different - for this case, you'll have to specifically restart it).
3. I'd also recommend temporarily uninstalling Norton so we can make sure the problem isn't stemming from here.
Let me know how it goes and if the issue persists, please send some updated logs. ^^
Kind regards
ArmouredTeddy ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
Did u do all that?
no, i barely did all of that yet it still worked.
So its good now?
this is what i said
Hey there. I was able to do part 1 of Step 1. However, when i opened advanced settings, i couldnt find anything related to "DEP".
Secondly for Part 2, I did do what you told me to. Im just going to put down what was mentioned in CMD Prompt.
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22631.3527]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Windows\System32>bcdedit.exe /set {current} nx OptIn
The operation completed successfully.
C:\Windows\System32>bcdedit.exe /set testsigning off
An error has occurred setting the element data.
The value is protected by Secure Boot policy and cannot be modified or deleted.
C:\Windows\System32>bcdedit.exe /set nointegritychecks off
An error has occurred setting the element data.
The value is protected by Secure Boot policy and cannot be modified or deleted.
After restarting, ill inform if my laptop bluescreened or not, and go ahead and delete Norton meanwhile.
So it basically got fixed by a single cmd command? @Aryan.
I played the game yesterday and today im getting the error
What's the solution guys?
Basically lol
Hmk. Will keep that in mind
@Saucywan ^ for bsod upon launch and random bsod's related to vgk sys
bro bro bro
need help
Oh my God it’s Teddy
Who's teddy :val_HelloBro:
It seems to have fixed the issues for me too, but I only ran the game for 9 minutes before having to go.
I also followed these steps for the random critical error crashes.
Never mind, that didn’t fix the critical error crashes.
I think the client and game still fails to load or will automatically crash on launch though - not all of the times though so that’s better than BSOD.
is this the solution
This is @Wazz. Please tell if it works
ok ill try later
Never mind. It didn’t fix the BSOD issues.
If this doesnt work tell me. Ill try and collect every message Riot sent and send it here.
We actually need that ngl
Aight ill send it
Thank you for reply!
Your friend, Glucose here!
I'm really glad that part of problem is solved.
But It looks like something went wrong with your DNS settings, could you please try again with the following?
✔️ DNS Setting Change
Hit the Windows key or click the Windows icon in your taskbar
Type "Control panel"
Select "View network status and tasks"
Select "Change adapter options"
Find your network adapter and select "Properties"
Select one of the following:
"Internet Protocol Version4 (TCP/IPv4)" and open Properties (recommended)
Go to the bottom of the menu and change "Obtain DNS server address automatically", to "Use the following DNS server addresses:"
Use the following public DNS servers to use:
• Primary:
• Alternative:
Save your changes by selecting "Ok"
Close all open web browsers and applications
Hit the Windows key
Type "cmd" and press Enter
In the command prompt, type "ipconfig /flushdns" and press Enter
Reboot your computer
I hope that my new answer will resolve the issue you are having.
Please tell me when you can't solved this problem.
i'll always be here to help you, my firend.
Riot Games Player support
Hello again,
Thank you for sending over some updated logs. After taking a look, here are some more steps I recommend trying out:
1. Let's check if your machine has vulnerable drivers to make sure you don't start them on Windows startup:
• Download Autoruns for Windows and install it.
• Once installed, start this software as an administrator.
• Double check that both Microsoft & Windows entries are hidden from the Options menu at the top of the app.
• Uncheck everything in red and yellow. Once this is done, restart your computer.
2. Make sure to enable the Vanguard service on startup. If you haven't done that, here are the steps:
• Press: Windows R -> Type in: Services.msc
• Scroll down the list and find the service with the name "vgc". right click -> go to properties and change the startup type to "Automatic" and click ok.
• After you have done this, check the Status column. If it does not say "Running", right click "vgc" again and click start
• Restart your computer
3. Let's try this:
• Press Windows + R, type cmd, and press Ctrl + Shift + Enter (When prompted select Yes)
• Now, enter the command: sc query vgc
• If the result is an error that basically says the service is not available, you need to uninstall VALORANT and Vanguard, and reinstall everything again.
• However, if it returns a service with the name vgc, you need to start Vanguard manually. Enter the following command: net start vgc
Let me know how it goes, if the problem persists, please send some updated logs. ^^
Kind regards,
ArmouredTeddy ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
Hello again,
Thank you for sending over some updated logs. I understand that the problem persists, but we'll keep at it until we get it resolved for good!
Here's what I recommend trying out next:
1. To enable DEP, follow these steps:
• Open a Command Prompt using Run as Administrator and Execute the following command: bcdedit.exe /set nx AlwaysOn
• Enable DEP for Windows programs and services only (search for "advanced system settings" in the Windows search and go to the Performance tab)
• In that same tab, switching to the option "Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select:", and then selecting nothing.
2. Let's ensure that your system is in a trusted & secure state. To do this, run the following commands in the Command Prompt:
• Enter Start menu
• Type cmd and select Command Prompt
• Right click on it and select "Run as administrator"
• While in Command Prompts, type the following commands and press Enter after each one:
bcdedit.exe /set {current} nx OptIn
bcdedit.exe /set testsigning off
bcdedit.exe /set nointegritychecks off
After you finish with everything, you need to restart your PC (keep in mind that restarting and shutting down the PC is different - for this case, you'll have to specifically restart it).
3. I'd also recommend temporarily uninstalling Norton so we can make sure the problem isn't stemming from here.
Let me know how it goes and if the issue persists, please send some updated logs. ^^
Kind regards
ArmouredTeddy ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
Thats it 🙂
Rly appreciate it
@queueing imo do everything said in that message please.
If u have alrdy done anything from that, do it again
What is DEP and what will it do after following those steps to enable DEP?
Those steps didn’t work either for me. :/
You won’t find it there
Do what you can
I couldn’t find it either but it did work
Are you talking about the option for turning on DEP for all programs and services except for those I select?
if u dont have a solution
try finding out how to *downgradeyour pc.
if u have windows 11
downgrade to 11
10 sorry
10 is more optimal for gaming
Why would that matter?
Same thing happened for my friend
I just made him delete the riot games folder and uninstall valorant
And it worked
Did it work for you?
Yeah. I personally couldn’t find DEP according to their instructions but followed everything else and it worked.
No that’s not the problem lol
I never tried that "DEP" step. One because I didn't had much information about it and two, because I was skeptical, if it's gonna work or not (because issues may differ).
And that is what exactly happened. When I finally gave up from trying everything I uninstalled Valo and all of its components. I had to go to work anyways (not a regular player, just came back after weeks to enjoy few matches) but after that finally after 32+ hours they replied in my ticket and had conversations back and forth. They provided me solutions and I did acc to them. Now I'm in the game with no issues now.
And what was the problem? I had an outdated Graphics Driver (majorly). So all I would say that it's better not to try just anything. Wait for them and they most probably will give you solution specifically applicable to you because they check all the logs you provide. Things are working for me now.
At first, after trying alot of things and seeing other people too going with similar issues, I really thought its problem from their's side. But it wasn't.
That graphics driver must be like 6 years old then
Lol idk, but yeah I do actually never update my graphics driver. That's on me. And because generally I never encounter any issue like this, I always felt like its okay, or maybe it updates itself in background. I know thats stupid of me. This only happened first time in my life. I did had to update few things in drivers or so in past and I did, but not Graphics driver.
What gpu do u have?
Also who even are u...
We never saw ur specific blue screen
Neither did we see the "who crashed" summary
View advanced system settings > Advanced > Settings under Performance > Data Execution Prevention. That’s where the DEP option was.
No solutions have worked yet for me, and nothing was found out of the ordinary with my logs.
Nah sometimes if ur nvidea driver is out of date by a single version you can crash
AMD Radeon graphics
That's because I saw atleast two posts for problems similar to mine right here and I didn't created another one just for that. I've been active in these posts following updates and trying to do things so that I can get my game fixed.
I've been going through with that same blue screen and error code 57 and other same patterns, but the stop code of the blue screen was UNEXPECTED KERNEL MODE TRAP.
You did, but you probably forgot, I first messaged in queueing_imo's post. There too I mentioned the stop code for my blue screen error.
hey uh sorry i got the error 57 again for some reason and i tried doing this
got stuck at sc delete vgc
got an error message "The specified service does not exist as an installed service."
same thing happened to vgk
oh alr nvm its fixed
Thats normal