VAL 57
I have got this problem now and also I don't know how to fix it
Pls, respond me

36 Replies
Open task manager
Then details
Close evry valorant,riot client and vanguard related apps/services
Open control panel
Uninstall programs
Uninstall riot vanguard
Open cmd as admin and type these commands:-
1) sc delete vgc
2)sc delete vgk
Navigate to ur C drive then program files and find vanguard folder and delete it.
Then open riot client and click update
Restart ur pc after the update.
did it work
pls tell
ill do it as well
can u tell me what now
Thats normal
do i follow along now?
sc deletevgk and stuff?
what now
i cant find valorant file in program files
do i open riot client now
i did all of that and im getting this @jidat
Download revo uninstaller
and then what
U fixed it ? @GhostX60-YT-TWITCH
Open it
Select riot vanguard
Normal scan
Select all
Then open riot client and u will get an update option for valorant
Restart ur pc after the update is done.
Hmm okay will do again
should i uninstall first or scan first
Show ur screen
I am not sure what u mean
do i uninstall valorant
or what do i do
Click on riot vanguard
Then click on uninstall for riot vanguard
It will give u 3 scan options
Show them
which one
Stop pinging me smh
Show the screen after that
select all?
Yep select all
then delete?
Delete then finish yes
ok thanks
i have no clue with any of this
Click on delete first
oh i already gave finish
uh oh
on a scale of 1 to 10 how fucked am i
Oh okk
Sounds reassuring
What now ?
I update ?
Thanks a lot
I'll update and restart
hello again jidat
idk what now
Use revo uninstaller again
This time click delete all
Yes i fixed it
It's reinstalling the valorant and Riot game to zero
Other words
Unistall and install valorant and Riot games
I can fixed it because of that
It's workinng for me
bro how did u fix it