Valorant in-game ping is higher (80-110 ms) than valo mumbai server ip (40-50 ms) in cmd traceroute

pls help anyone. i checked pinging the official mumbai ip address (as u can see in the cmd/powershell) given by the riot employee himself (ik its aws even so i tried) but its showing good/decent ping in cmd but in-game its literally just double than that. Any help is welcome.. Im on wifi. sometimes it even reaches 100-110 ms too during match even in menu, not playable that much and i slide then in game. Any help is welcome.
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3 Replies
Muffin | Tom | not a commy
100 ping is more than playable, but yea its not ideal its probably higher than traceroute coz extra stuff in val the addition of other players in your lobby and stuff if you dont have one already get an ethernet cable thats all i can really suggest tho other than getting a better router/wifi plan maybe talk to your wifi provider if its really bad
Del Bringo
Del Bringo10mo ago
Are you wired in via ethernet or on wifi? Oh home wifi Are you close to the router?

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