VALORANT10mo ago

HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ACC got hacked and get banned!

since 4 days ago, I dont know why my google acc got hacked, and all my password saved in google got hacked, these days almost all my acc get password changed or login at a weird place. That include my paypal, spotify, outlook, ig, X, linkedin, etc( all the app or website u can imagine all get hacked). And today after google sent me an email says all my password get stolen, I realized my riot acc should be dangrous( was figuring out my bank acc, gmail, outlook issue for past couple days) and I just turned on the 2FA, and I login to my acc, it says my acc got baned...............what should I do for this situation..................
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Support Agent
Support Agent10mo ago
I'm sorry to hear about the issues you're facing. As your Riot account has been compromised and resulted in a ban, I recommend taking the following steps immediately: 1. Secure Your Email: Ensure your email account has strong, unique passwords and is secured with 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication). 2. Change Passwords: Update passwords for all other sensitive accounts, particularly those linked to your email. 3. Contact Riot Support: Submit a ticket to Riot Games explaining the situation and providing all relevant details. Include screenshots and any proof of unauthorized access (e.g., unusual login locations). You can submit a ticket here. 4. Attach Evidence: Provide any evidence of the hacking, such as Google’s alert emails, to support your case. 5. Monitor Accounts: Keep a close eye on your accounts for any further suspicious activities. Take action quickly to secure your accounts and reach out to Riot’s support for assistance with lifting the ban.
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