pixelated when theres high movement
which one should i turn on because i want smooth fps and not pixelated resolution when theres high movement :( like when i get a kill it gets very pixelated and its so URHUEHFUEHFUEHFU

21 Replies
To reduce pixelation and ensure smoother gameplay, especially during high movement, try the following settings in VALORANT:
1. NVIDIA Reflex (Low Latency Mode): Enable this to reduce system latency.
2. Smoothness and Frame Rate: Cap your FPS slightly below your monitor's refresh rate. Example: For a 144Hz monitor, cap at 140 FPS.
3. Graphics Settings:
- Texture Quality: Medium or High, depending on your GPU.
- Material Quality: Medium.
- Detail Quality: Low or Medium.
- UI Quality: Low.
- Vignette: Off.
- V-Sync: Off (to reduce input lag).
- Anti-Aliasing: MSAA 2x or 4x.
- Anisotropic Filtering: 4x or 8x.
- Improve Clarity: On.
- Experimental Sharpening: On (if available).
- Bloom: Off.
- Distortion: Off.
- Cast Shadows: Off.
4. Resolution: Ensure you're using your monitor's native resolution.
Adjusting these settings balances visual quality and performance, minimizing pixelation during high movement scenarios.
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. Thank you!
girl my graphic card is amd radeon
Yeah that's not the fault of the ai
It can't see images
(yet :val_HeyApple: )
literally says radeon here but its okkk
You know what nvm
help me atleats
You should probably turn on image sharpening
And what do you mean pixelated?
doesnt that make it even more pixelated
Makes it look a little bit nicer in my opinion and easier to hit shots
like the resolution dropped
What resolution are you running at?
for me its when i get a kill, the kill banner is kinda pixelated idk
i think 1080×1980
you mean 1920x1080