Voice chat not working suddenly.
All of the sudden my voice chat stopped working. I tried to mess around in the voice chat settings but nothing did fix it till this moment. Beneath my banner it shows 🔉 ❌ . Am I restriced for talking or is this a bug or something?

13 Replies
Can someone help, please?
are you in a party?
cuz if you're alone in the thing itll always show that
it happens everywhere

itll always show this
If I am in a game the whole team has that cross
if ur not in a party
Ye it's pretty weird, thanks for trying to help though
try restarting your game or changing your input devices in sound settings (in val)
Already did restart, its been 2 days since I have this and still hasn't fixed. Also tried to change the output and input already but it wouldn't fix.
It's fixed
restart your game