Whenever i play valorant i hop in game then i choose the character then after that on the loading screen im stuck there hntil the game ends how to fix??:crying: happend to me since 2023 ( i can never play properly and dont delete this post yet pls)
29 Replies
This is an issue with files loading off of your disk. You might have a HDD. If you do, you should defragment it or get an SSD and place Valorant on it.
windows key + r
than type "dfrgui" to check what type of drive you have.
Learn how to defragment:
Solid State Drives (SSD) and Hard Disk Drives (HDD) are data storage devices. SSDs are usually much smaller, thinner, and offer more storage volume, speed, and efficiency compared to HDDs.
make a ticket they will help (hopefully)
But does this work?
No hdd is bad enough that makes u load straight after the match ends
If u have been having this issue since last year then u must've tried different solutions alrdy right?
I tried to clean my pc and delete some files but it still didn't work ( my pc is not that good for gaming btw it runs 60 fps)
Whats hdd
a hdd is basically where all of your files are stored. so probably (?) the C: drive, if you only have one
hard disk drive. It works by spinning a thingy inside it
ssd dont have the spinny thing
What a great explanation
The fans?
no xd

Hard to believe my valorant is running on a spinning disc with a sharp tweezer scratching it
its all fake news
hdd and ssd dont exists
its all in the cloud
Thats where the problem is?
HDD = slow
SSD = fast.
you want valorant on an SSD, so it works fast enought so you dont get banned for AFK
Also it doesn't even look like a hdd issue
As i said before, no hdd is bad enough to load when the match is about to end
May i see where is that on pc im outside right now and cant look at it rn ( im not good at pc)
Its not about to end it already ended and i got 1 hour afk punishment
sometime my game make 3 minutes to start i'm in ssd '-' i think is other mate
metal plate kind of thing
I dont have that i cant see it on my pc
its inside, you wont be able to see it
you dont need to either
Does this work
if the problem here is that you have val installed on your HDD, then probably yes
I installed it on google
not from where you installed/downloaded it.
more like where the files you installed are stored