
I got banned for an error

So i was playing a match when the game spontaneously disconnected me (there were no problems with my internet) and wouldnt let me reconnect. I got the VAN-79 error. I tried relaunching several times with no success. After a while I restarted my pc and now it works fine. However, i got a 24h ban from ranked, and it feels unfair. Is there anything to do about it?
1 Reply
Support Agent
Support Agent9mo ago
The VAN-79 error you encountered suggests there were connection issues leading to your disconnection. Unfortunately, the automatic systems in place often issue temporary bans to maintain the integrity of the ranked experience, even if the disconnection was due to unforeseen technical problems. While it's frustrating, these bans are usually not manually overturned by Riot support unless there are consistent issues being reported across the player base. I recommend submitting a ticket to Riot Support to explain your situation, but keep in mind that 24-hour bans are typically enforced to prevent repeat occurrences and promote fair play. You can submit a ticket here: Riot Games Support.
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