neverending lags without any reason
Hello everyone, I have been having a ping problem for the last 6 months.. 4 rounds with no problem and the next rounds ping 22ms to 250ms. 2 seconds 22ms, 3rd and 4th seconds 250ms, 5th and 6th seconds 22ms and so on (as you can see in the right side on graph). How is it possible? I've never had such problems with Valorant, and I've been playing it since Beta. Do you have any solution for this? Thanks and have a nice day🤟🏻

8 Replies
Is your Hard Drive almost full?
no, my hdd is clean. So problem still continues :sadge:
Sorry for late response is this still going on also do you have a wireless connection or a hardwired connection?
i have hardwired connection :)
I think you need to reinstall os
reinstalling os fixes issue always
you can back up your pc and I can understand your feelings right now
bruh. After reinstall os problem still continue :pika_facepalm: