Please Give us Heaven or Pearl or Fracture map. Don't leave 3 maps for whole season.

Please Give us Heaven or Pearl or Fracture map. Don't leave 3 maps for whole season.... and fix Sri Lanka India Ping too. We have Higher Ping these days
5 Replies
Geniux11mo ago
That´s how a map rotation works. Not all maps are in the map pool, so it wont get super boring. They will eventually come back
DimuwaSLOP11mo ago
previously it didnt. now we have 3 map behind. and most played maps
Geniux11mo ago
it worked like that since the beginning of valorant. if they have a new map, it will be coming to comp shortly after. and if there are a couple other maps already, one or two will be removed
DimuwaSLOP11mo ago
yeah bt this time 3. thats why i told. and sunset,lotus,breeze these 3 maps same. no different
Diet Pepsi
Diet Pepsi11mo ago
its 3 maps because they add more maps without increasing size of map pool it also gives them time to change or fix maps so unless they increase the size of the map pool, the number of unused maps will continue to increase

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