Created by DimuwaSL on 5/29/2024 in #community-help
5 replies
Created by DimuwaSL on 5/16/2024 in #community-help
Why Riot Auto matching 10 Ping Enemy Team and My team 50,60 Pings. Is it random? Its like always.
Why Riot Auto matching 10 Pings Enemy Team and My team 50,60 Pings. Is it random? Its like always happening. all the team i get only has above 50 ping. and enemy team has 10 ping. like enemy team they in Singapore servers. Our team not. cant we find a solution for this auto matching. This is NOT FAIR
15 replies
Created by DimuwaSL on 5/14/2024 in #community-help
High Ping in Asia Servers ( Sri Lanka )
Its Been two weeks. We are from Sri Lanka and We have high ping from our all ISP. We used to play in 40 ping and now its 80 ping. Can Anyone Fix this issue for us. Its Very Hard to play with This ping. Thank you
37 replies
Created by DimuwaSL on 4/25/2024 in #community-help
Please Give us Heaven or Pearl or Fracture map. Don't leave 3 maps for whole season.
Please Give us Heaven or Pearl or Fracture map. Don't leave 3 maps for whole season.... and fix Sri Lanka India Ping too. We have Higher Ping these days
8 replies