Error 128 "Vanguard not initiallized"
Hi, I downloaded the game 5 days ago. Haven't been able to play for 30 seconds as i always receive this error. Tried Valorant support but they have been suggesting solutions for 5 days and still nothing, also tried every youtube tutorial i could find. Anyone that can help me?
55 Replies
Show the error please

Open task manager and go to startup apps
Make sure Vanguard is enabled
cannot find the vanguard in startup apps
You can't find this?

ah yes, it's enabled
open cmd as admin
Then send me a photo

if i run the game and get the error:

Please uninstall and reinstall Vanguard
reinstalled it
run game again or?
You needed to restart your PC correct?
Run the game
error still there
sc delete vgc
sc delete vgk
run command prompt as admin and put these there
done, delete succesfull
then install revo uninstaller and delete riot vanguard
dont delete the game delete " Riot vanguard "

when uninstalling through revo uninstaller make sure to select advanced then scan delete all the left over files
open riot client it should ask you to update
wait for update to finish open game ( if didnt work ping me )
@OZAIR still same problem
whats ur windows version
in START type " winver " and send a SS

there could be some conflict between anti-cheats or anti-viruses i recommend stopping and turning of any third party anti-virus ( if u have faceIt anti cheat temporarily uninstalll it. restart pc and start the game again ) this happens when VGK driver is not properly started do this and lmk if this didnt work.
theres a good article about how to fix this in google if u search VAL128 : ))
still not working sadly 😦 can play any game except valorant
other games that use the vanguard anti cheat are working like league of legends, no problems at all
win+r, msinfo32, send a photo

Press win+r
Type services.msc
Find vgc
Right click on it
Change startup type to automatic
Then apply
Then start the service
already did that
also when i receive the error 128
after it, i cannot start the vgc again
Is vgc running?
i receive this error

not anymore bcs it gave the error again
if i restart the pc its running
then i launch the game and it stops, when i try to launch it i get above error
The service should only be running when the game is launched
even when i launch the game, vgc cannot start or is not running
if i restart the pc, it will run until the error
Download autoruns
Autoruns for Windows - Sysinternals
See what programs are configured to startup automatically when your system boots and you login.
already ran this one time unticked all boxes that are red and yellow
some i cannot undo

Go to file and then run as administrator
what file should i run as admin?

The second one
i cannot run this as admin
only the one below
What do you mean you can't?
nvm it just worked
still cannot disable as it mentions "failed to disable"
if i try to untick it
Then skip it
can't untick any other boxes so it's still the same
crazy how i cannot run this haha so frustrating
You may have to reinstall Windows
But before that do you know how to do a clean boot?
did u reinstall the game
Did it 7 times alrezdy
Made no difference
No clue 🤣