Have ethernet 350mbps but network rtt makes game unplayable spikes to 1000 and flucuates 300-400
graph looks like lines everywhere and i keep tping every time i equip gun or move or jump pls help game is unplayable
436 Replies

is this happening
can you press win + r and type msinfo32 and send me a screenshot?
and also what isp are you using, what country are you currently based/in and what severs do you play on?
i have ethernet but im using virgin media and i play on london/paris servers most of time
and you are based in the UK I assume?
which parts do u wanna see in specific
its got my system name n all that stuff
baseboard model etc
i think another guy before asked to see this and told me to install some network drivers
didnt work
ah okay
nvm then
are you using a dns?
but bro my speed internet is like 350 now that i got hard wired internet
and i get this every second in game
its unplayable
do you know how to add one?
what do dns's do?
1. Open “Control Panel” and navigate to “Network and Sharing Center”.
2. Click the active network connection.
3. In the new window, click “Properties”.
4. Click “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)”, then navigate to “Properties.”
send me a screenshot

click on "Use the following DNS server addresses"
then on "Preferred DNS server"
and on "Alternative DNS server"
Ok then what
What does that do @lyra
save it
it's like a name book for wifi ish
will this fix my jitter problems
Changing your DNS settings will have no effect whatsoever on your packet latency in the game.
it might
it can help improve jitters as a DNS can provide a better "path"
but it won't change RTT
DNS has nothing to do with routing. It simply gives the client metadata on a domain name. Unless Valorant is doing something terribly weird, DNS lookups happen pretty infrequently if at all during the game.
Network protocols like BGP help to determine the path to a destination. But these aren't protocols within ur control. They're closer toward the Internet than ur LAN.
@me how do I fix the problems I am having bro
How is the latency toward your gateway?
(You can find your gateway's address by opening a command prompt and running
route PRINT
. Your default gateway will be the IP address in the Gateway
column of the the tables for the
or ::/0
destinations. Do not paste the output of this command.
Once you have this default gateway, you can ping it using ping GATEWAY_ADDRESS
^ just replace GATEWAY_ADDRESS with the IP address of your gateway.
While trying to figure out the issue, you want to try to measure latency towards Riot's servers, starting at the hop between your PC and your router. If this latency is consistent, then you may need to contact Riot or your ISP for further help.@me sorry I was asleep
@me how do I interpret the results?
yeah, ment it that a DNS will have the address with the right conf, while the isp's DNS might be configured wrong and start making trouble
after the ping command you will get something that looks like this

then this would be the most important things

and ploss%
Do I do this while valorant is running
In game
it shouldnt affect the results
Then what do I do
I emailed riot support but they didn’t respond yet
Hey. If the ping to your gateway has low latency (less than 1ms always) you'll want to contact Riot support with this and the graphs in-game and details on your ISP. They'll be able to give you further things to try to help narrow down the problem.
If the latency to your gateway is all over the place, you'll need to figure out why.
There are sometimes network engineers who hang around here who can also help.
you could also try port forwarding
do you know of any who could help?
Because this issue isn’t going away the game is unplayable
@lyra @me
contact riot
it's client sided probably
isp or client
just wait for em to respond to ur ticket
its not you
his ticket
you shouldnt make a ticket?
not after you have done all can
its probably not riots side
its client sided
or isp
then he might need to reinstall it
or contact his service proveider
have you pinged the gateway?
this person is always sleeping TT
Not yet I dont exactly get how to do it
My question is I spent so much money wiring my router downstairs to my pc upstairs for stable Ethernet for rapid speeds but valorant is unplayable and i get graphs like this

open cmd and type ipconfig
at the bottom
you will find something called default gateway

in this case its
useally it is or
@lyra I’m just driving home I’ll message you when I’m at my pc oki?
i will still show the steps
then after it you will write
ping -n 60
( should be changed to your actual gateway ip)then send a screenshot of this

im back
can i screenshare and show u whats happening in my game live
its a joke
i cant even que its that bad

thisis what mine says
its bs though
because ingame

like wtf i cant even move
tp everywhere
its not bs
@S_8713 you are in the UK right?
Yes it is I spent £200 to fix my wifi, had to restructure my whole upstairs and downstairs to accompany the route, and can’t even que into a game
can you open cmd and run this command and then when its done send me a screenshot?
Lost months of ranked progress and now it’s jut pissing me off ik I seem salty but riot support just say ina a nutshell it’s an issue on my end and it’s clearly not
Doing it rn
do i need val open for this @lyra

i keep getting this
request time out
Try use Exitlag see if it will change ur routing since VirginMedia has shit routes for Valorant
whats exitLag
@lyra Here u go
trace complete

A program that will use different routes than the one ur ISP provides
VirginMedia is known to bea very shit provider for PING related stuff
Plus it's free just to test
can you just help me understand
Specifically VirginMedia has pretty shit routes for Valorant meaning bad ping
so my wifi speed has nothing to do with my network RTT?>
why i tp every second and cant even move or equip gun
unless you got like 5mbps
because when i press tab, it says my PING is like 23
its this that spikes
It's literally just a virgin media issue
with routing on valorant
You need to use something like Exitlag or some VPN to fix it since VirginMedia's routes are poop
okay let me try this exit lag thing one sec
is it safe and free
it is paid btw i just want to see if it fixes the issue (IT HAS A FREE VERSION)
There is a free version for 7 days just wanna see if the issue fixes
Yep it's safe i've used it before for testing on valorant
Ok im downloading the free one was we speak
one second bro
@lyra btw u want the txt file or is this ok
thats okay
switch isp 👍
Without you needing to literally pay for it
If it works then you can do 1 or 2 things
1. Contact virgin media and say the routes for valorant are bad and causing spikes in latency
2. Just buy exitlag it's cheap and virginmedia support is booty
@! ./Report Cheater in DM im downloading it rn

gonna cost me even more money
+ im on a contract with them
all this to just play the damn game
did this happen after this?
draging an ethernet cable to upstairs?
yes bro
i had to drill holes everywhere in my house to route the wire
It can also be a bad cable fyi but you said it's specific to valorant right?
and in my garden
oh no its not bad
we replaced it 3 times to check
can you run netstat -e in cmd and show me?
thenit's just a routing issue exitlag should fix

speed doesn't = ping fyi
i was getting 30 befoe i wired it
1 sec
just "-e?"
netstat -e
guys what does this mean
the whole command


here u go
@! ./Report Cheater in DM
hmm can you send me the text?
just change the method
ur isp is blocking it LMAO
oki i clicked change method

what do i do now
select ur region
Europe > London
yeh select it

this one?
copy paste
there was like 10 londons
pick 1
it say message blocked by server admin bcz it contain sensitive info
Press Optimize routes
send it in dms then
then Apply routes
and load up valorant
go test if ur latency still spikes
okay am doing rn
@lyra dmed
queing rn @! ./Report Cheater in DM ill lyk
do you know what cat the ethernet cable is?
Same issue
nope sorry
do you have any way to find it out?
when i move i am tping
whats your packet loss?
cat6e is literally fine
also he said it workso n every other game
so doesn't matter
maybe its cat1?
who knows
even cat5 is fine for gaming
cat8 is useless for gaming and was made for length
@! ./Report Cheater in DM mhm
yeah nah
Seems just like ISP routing issue or some issue with Settings on PC :Pepe_Shrug:
but if other games don't have the issue its' weird
Means it's just routing issue ig
i got cat8.2 shhhh
othher ganes do not have that issue
actually worse for gaming
only val
shhhh its more expenisvee
Yeah so it's a routing issue from VAlorant/ur ISP
maybe port forwarding the valo ports could help?
Hmm 50/50

like bro
@S_8713 Do you have access to the router's admin pannel?
what am i supposed to do
i think so
done already
riot support said to do this
if you go to
and the guy who did my ethernet did this
Can you turn ur firewall off lol @S_8713
wrong person
done this too
ive followed like god knows how many now optimisation guides for fixing this
so many things i did to my pc settings and app permissions
then it's your isp fault
Yeh pretty sure ur ISP is just got really shit routing for valorant
If you want to anydesk i can have a look :shrug_weeb: but i'm 90% sure it's an ISP issue
which in that case you can call them and bully them about it
60% sure nothing will happen
they will get a tech to ur house and he will sayblah blah blah yap yap no issues or something or "we will check it"
and then nothing happens
lemme join I need to learn more stuff
lit taking note on my ipad
yeah soo like am i screwed then basically?
i can check on anydesk but pretty sure it's an ISP issue
i can do my basic optimisation stuff but eh
uh ight
PLEASE do not follow random optimisation guides online 😭
90% of them are just copy paste from each other without any testing
aight I'm joing make a gc
@S_8713 dm'd btw
pardon what?
Getting banned one sec
i just let them on my pc
was it not safe?
Let who?
He's being sarcastic and dumb xd
I’m so confused
it was safe don't worry
ge is talking about the guy who was pinging everyone
he was doing at @ everyone
Hey @nawycuaS u reckon u could suggest anything about this matter
I haven’t read the convo yet
So I don’t know what solutions have been tried
Do you mind if you can? Or @! ./Report Cheater in DM may you let him know what you saw
It's a VirginMedia issue until he tests with a different laptop tomorrow
His ping spikes to like 600ms 800ms 200ms etc
I tried optimisting his network card but it seems to just happen a few minutes later again
Any potential solution would be very appreciated guys 🙏
Recall the earlier chat. If the latency to your gateway is perfect, your next step would be to contact Riot or your ISP. Unless something's really misconfigured in your house, there isn't much you or anyone here can do to improve things if that hop is solid.
If you LAN isn't solid, then your ISP and Riot will ask you to improve this before doing much.
How do I check my latency to my gateway
you checked it here
Is it good or bad
We called virgin media
They just said plug in Ethernet cable in and out and reset hub
They don’t listen
It’s bs
i mean
I said it’s a ping /routing issue from their server to my pc
this is how mine looked
They don’t understand
and i got no problems
They just said plug in Ethernet cable in and out and reset hub
They don’t listen
I explained the spiking issues and their server issues but they don’t understand
id say
"i have alerady done that and it didnt work"
to everything they say
until they do something fr lol
They said they won’t do anything
swtich isp
but will i have to set up the ethernet again
you shoudnt need to
damn bro
It’s so annoying I can’t even play
nothing really you can so as a client atp
There’s genuinely no other solution?
think so
@! ./Report Cheater in DM
vergin media is kinda wack
It's unlikely there's something in your house that selectively affects traffic to Riot's network. It could be something beyond your gateway.
It may be worth opening a ticket with Riot support just to understand how to measure latency to Riot servers near you. If this latency is all over the place, you should have enough to talk to your ISP. They also may be able to contact ur ISP on ur behalf.
The unfortunate thing about large ISPs is; well, their customer support isn't there to help people with problems like this. But you gotta be persistent.
It's nothing to do with Riot or Valorant
His ISP is literally having Packet Drops and Ping spikes
you a rioter bro?
where are rioters at
Why would that matter?
If you need riot support you can go to the website
:valQuestion: If you require assistance, please open a support ticket with Riot Support. This server's staff members are not Riot employees or developers and are unable to assist you with in-game issues. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us.
If you are receiving an error code, you can find out steps to resolve it here.
damn who programmed this bot
It's just a tag that i typed lol
ye but yk who did it?
btw bout this issue, its for sure Smart Screen
yall didnt check that?
LMAO bro 😭
make ur own ticket man if you need help with something
I was literally on his PC it is an Issue with his ISP
you IT?
have a nice day bro
You 2
Nonetheless these are the next steps. If the ISP can't help narrow down the issue (u should just be able to mention riots network and they'll know what to do; it's large enough) you gotta work with Riot to help you run diagnostics that prove there's an issue.
If the ISP still doesn't give a shit, it's time to switch ISPs if possible.
But Riot may be able to reach out to the ISP if there's a peering issue or whatever. These sorts of reach outs are hard tho, as some ISPs don't care about things like latency or packet loss. As long as there's sub 100% packet loss to destination some ISPs high five each other and close cases.
It isn't Riot directly as i just said
The issue is just the ISP
It happens with every service
It's just more noticiable on something that requires stable connection/ping
@me @! ./Report Cheater in DM
We called virgin media
They just said plug in Ethernet cable in and out and reset hub
I explained spiking issues and their server routing issues, but they don’t understand they just think I’m on about speed
@! ./Report Cheater in DM had access to my pc and they saw everything so
This happened again

But my wifi speeds are fine
Call them
This is the server with the lowest ping too
Ask to be put to a engineer or smth
We did
Some Higher tech support
Damn. This is tough, then. Maybe something affecting the neighborhood, but the ISP doesn't care.
It could help to run smokeping or something similar and send them a comparison between latency to ur gateway and to various destinations over time. This actually worked for me with my ISP. I had crazy latency spikes to Google and Cloudflare (and all destinations) every evening. Until I provided them metrics they didn't care. Then they found it was broken network equipment and fixed things up and even refunded half a month's service. Back to stable 2ms ping to these destinations (but still dozens of ms to Riot 😢 ).
It could help to run smokeping or something similar and send them a comparison between latency to ur gateway and to various destinations over time. This actually worked for me with my ISP. I had crazy latency spikes to Google and Cloudflare (and all destinations) every evening. Until I provided them metrics they didn't care. Then they found it was broken network equipment and fixed things up and even refunded half a month's service. Back to stable 2ms ping to these destinations (but still dozens of ms to Riot 😢 ).
They told me to wait 48 hours and monitor if the fixes they made work
So calling back won’t do anything
☝🏻 escalating is the only way besides cancelling.
Just keep calling them every 2 days and annoy them to fix it
If they are unable to change ISP
What does running smokeping mean and comparing latencies?
Yeah I will again in 2 days and escalate it
However is there any short term solutions you guys can suggest so I can play the game
It's just a program that measures latency and graphs it. But if you're just running ping and the rtt is all over the place all the time that should be enough. I wouldn't wait the two days tho. Just call them whenever you want an update and escalate it if it's not fixed.
There really isn't anything short term, unfortunately. What's happening is out of your control.
If you're rubber banding, you could try turning up the network buffering (in the General settings in the game) but it won't really fix your latency issues. It'll just cause other problems.
Listen already
He has the packet loss outside of valorant completely
Please read context of the ticket before posting random stuff we already figured out :thumbs_up:
The network buffering setting can help improve things if there's packet loss or jitter. But it just won't fully resolve the issue and will cause other issues (now your inputs will be delayed reaching the server, and those larger packets may be dropped, causing other issues).
And I gave it a read. We all know the root cause is within their ISP's control and they need to escalate.
gl tho.
Are you fucking chatgpt?
Or you just don't read?

The network buffering setting isn't going to help anything when he has 900ms outside of valorant
They said I can’t do anything for 48 hours so I have to endure another 48 hours like this
Like nothing's magic. It's just all that's within their control. That and complaining to their isp.
Haven't rly read everything but have u tried it without the ethernet and just use ur wireless wifi?
Are you AI?
If you feel I am, sure ☺️
I do you speak like an AI that doesn't know how to get context
Need to train ur language model more
Yes same issues
That’s the reason I got Ethernet in the first place
I’ve tried what you guys suggested + @! ./Report Cheater in DM ran some network changes to my pc so idk why it’s still happening
Gotta bug ur isp then. Nothing else is within ur control dude.
It’s honestly really bad
Unplayable at this point
Which I could find a short term solution
I have 200 minimum, peek 1000
I can’t even move or equip my gun
I tp everywhere
I mean all they say is “reset your router/hub” or “plug the cable in and out”
Nothing to help the routing
Or the spiking
They don’t underhand the speed isn’t the problem
It’s the network rtt
Drop the off-topic conversation please and thank you
what is off topic here may i ask?
The off-topic convo was deleted
also does ur new ai that replacing us work well?
It can handle simple errors and questions pretty well so far
us? I've never seen you before 😭
how. prob bc i last chat is like 3 days ago lol
bc of exams
It just helping out with the secure boot ones would be great
You can try to make a test post, it should be able to handle it pretty well since there's a lot of info on it online
isn't secure boot error easy to fix
Exactly but there are a lot of them
And so people with actual complicated errors kind of never get responded to
yea i see
val is a bit weird in so and then
Wait is this for my problems? @Chovel @Flokie
first internet speed do not matter about your ping
I have reviewed your conversation
and packet loss
This actually just does seem like an ISP issue
I would contact them and tell them that you're having issues
I did this morning
The most likely do in over the air firmware patch
They said to wait 48 hours to monitor their “fixes” they so call did over the phone
Before I can contact again
then wait
Ie just reset router and plug Ethernet in and out
Which btw did nothing because

Again eariler today
This is even with ExitLag
that is terrible looking
just wait or change internet provider's


wtf is going on
its saying network problem and high average ping in top right
@Saucywan @lyra
Have you downloaded the latest lan drivers?
read the context
I good
this is an isp issue
we cannot do anything about it or help
I remembered now
virgin media 👍
10/10 isp
best isp for gaming no doubt
oh my god bro this is costing me so much rr and time wasted
@S_8713, there is really nothing more we can do than to tell you to contact your isp.
then don't play comp
bro i did contact them
theyre so useless
switch ISPs
do u mind if u can explan what i should tell them because theyre thick they dont understand
can u just write down what i say to them

this is all i get
kk one sec
@S_8713 how long have you add this issue?
@S_8713 could you also run another trecert?
(tracert > "%USERPROFILE%\desktop\Tracert.txt"
send me the text file in dms6 weeks and 4 days
Ya okey gimme 20 min I basically got so pissed off ingame I kind threw my glass on my desk so I’m just tidying it up
all good
also could you provid your email in dms so i can send you the docs?
Doing the trace now

not doing anything
Yes sir
gotta wait and a text file will appear on your desktop
i see it
here @lyra
193 😭
thats nothing
560 in game
its not done yet
i believe
@Saucywan @! ./Report Cheater in DM @lyra this tracer thing said 700 yesterday for one of them

the rest are timing out
wait until it says trecert complete at the bottom
it has
its moved on
send the txt
if ur making a doc include these too pls

I also sent u the email in dm
@S_8713 I've sent you the file, make sure to change the information at bottom
Thanks bro
If nothing works then what do I do?
switch ISPs 💀
Btw does this here fully translate to my problems ingame?
eeeeeee sorta
I’m gonna send the email right now
"A traceroute provides a map of how data on the internet travels from its source to its destination. "
So what is the route cause and if so how can we see it plain blank like via a test?
the cause of your problem is that the ISP you are using provides a sub optimal route for a packet
Is there any network test we can perform to show that especially for valorant or shall I just send the email off
that's what the trecert does
edit the document I sent you
make it to a pdf
then send it away with the trecert.txt
@lyra email sent
They’re so shit
They just said we’ll send a technician to your house to see if there’s any problems
And it will cost £25
How do I respond to this?

Like @lyra hes just pulling up my speed and saying everything is fine
Tell them how do you get it fixed
Because they said it has to be fixed remotely
Ask them how do I fix it who do I contact

I’ll let you know his response
Yeah he’s just going back in circles saying he can’t do anything from his end

I asked him again who should I contact
Hes typing rn
@Saucywan @lyra

I said “so how will we proceed”

His response
I don’t get what he’s saying in terms of the configurations
They are telling you to go to the router settings
This was already done yesterday when I spoke them on the phone
They told me to do these standard protocol resets which ofc didn’t help
I did
He’s just left me on read
I'd change provider if i was you.
to something provided by Openreach
such as BT
Vodafone etc
Or hyperoptic if it exists
You might lose the Speed being 300mbp/s to be like 70/20mb but you'd have like 20ping constantly so.
This is all he saying

tell him to keep safe
joking but
I just ended the chat
Documented it just in case
I’m just at the gym rn can you guide me through the process how to do this smoothly in about 2 hours?
@lyra you recon it would be worth trying with another agent or calling them again or not?
Val support didn’t help either tbh, they just copy and pasted their “solution” word for word they sent me 4 weeks ago; exactly word for word. (Just typing in those ipconfig commands and disabling ipv6.) I told them to read the document and look at the traceroutes and then they stopped responding to the tickets lol
Yeah I guess so.
look at this

It’s ping plotter
My latency is all red consistent 497ms
Need to do this switch asap they want another phone call with me to explain everything
Yeah I will. If not I’d probably have to terminate the contract there surely?
@Saucywan can you interpret this?
I mean I’m gonna have to lol it’s getting so bad I cant even que up anymore
Yea? Why
It’s bad right?
Show the whole thing
That’s all there is
It’s just all red below
Like just the colour red
I see now
But at the time of the screenshot (the game has to be running) my network rtt graph spiked and stayed at 600+ ms
That’s bad
What ip is that
All of it
It’s the one that valorant support told me to trace it on
It's an IP in Riot's network. They wanted them to graph latency towards their game servers. Their game servers don't respond to pings, but it will show the latency to the closest peer.
I think you've reached the point where you need to contact your ISP and let them know that you're paying for consistent latency. Depending on the ISP, they'll either help you out (and refund you for time that you've been observing issues) or; you gotta find an alternative.
Hm i wonder if u can file a complaint against ur isp if they don't do shit
This is shows your latency has a very high variance/jittter, even on your first hop the difference between the lowest possible ping (7.7ms) and your average (32.7ms) is huge. What type of internet services are you using from VM (is it wireless internet ie 4G/5G/LTE)?
It's home WiFI
It's just VirginMedia isa shitty ISP who doesn't give a fk about their customer.
It’s wired Ethernet
But at the time of the screenshot (the game has to be running) my network rtt graph spiked and stayed at 600+ ms
Im trying to

@Jimz Please may you check dms when you can bro
@Saucywan so is the only solution to change isp do you think?
Mostly yes
okay because im getting the same issue again
it was fine yesterday and day before
but suddenly happened all day today
should i just go for it and switch ISP today
If this is important to you, and since they're not helping, you should definitely let them know you'll be switching if this isn't fixed and then find alternatives.
As long as there's no wireless or cellular stuff between you and ur ISP, there's not much u can do beyond what you've done.
wdym by this?
it is broi cant even play the game due to the constant spikes
i mean look at that traceroute
Just mean as long as it's wired to ur ISP modem or router, and ur not on a cellular/wireless plan with ur ISP, it's time to switch. You've done a lot to give them a chance to fix things.
Alright, but wouldnt it mean me setting all this up again
Not 100% necessary, but do you have another ethernet cable readily available try using? If you do, trying a different cable will help cross that off the list.
We already switched the cable out twice
Cool that crosses the cable off the list.
just ran another
@Del Bringo

Pretty sure the issue comes from his ISP it's self as when i was on his PC he had packet loss even to and
Seems like a routing issue or maybe the Router has some issue.

constantly ingame 300-500 network RTT + "network problem" and "high average ping"
virgin media dont understand the issue
Like how is this fair
@Del Bringo
change isp :Smug:
It’s happening on all other platforms too not just val anymore
But it’s defo mostly val
Valorant as a game is more latency sensitive since we run the servers at a higher tick rate. You have a variance of 37-424ms inside VM's network. It's time to try another provider
That’s one lucky trade route my others show on average 70-900
Actually hold off on trying to switch providers. I think I know what's wrong with Virgin Media (they may have issues with one of their upstream providers)
Let me reach out to them one more time, see if they would respond
@Jimz seems like ur ignoring my post , look what ive wrote brother ❤️
Give him time man, he'll surely look into your issue too, just have some patience
I know it's frustrating, but hijacking another thread is not cool. The situation there is simply we don't control the network all the way there. Riot does not have any presence or influence over those providers. If you want a quick fix, I'd recommend you to use a VPN provider, so you can change how your traffic routes to Riot without waiting for the Internet to change.
@Jimz did they respond
@S_8713 Please do not ghost ping
No they have not
Alr I guess I have to switch

Have you swapped providers?
Also there's a current bug with these channels that automatically close them. This is currently being fixed
No jimz told me to stay for a bit as he said they did something
just ran a traceroute and
Ah ok

its not looking good
400ms 😭
like what do i even do atp