67 Replies
Press win+r
Type msinfo32
Show ss
do i have to show u
theres personal information
U can hide the username if u want
And anything u think is personal
where should i ss
Scroll to the top
why should i ss
when u could js tell me where to press
brb ill enter bios
Don't enter bios..
Show photo of msinfo32 first
I need to check if ur pc even supports secure boot and tpm 2.0

can someone help me pls how to fix this
Make ur own post please.
Make ur own post in #community-help

Show the full thing.
Just censor ur username jeez

im not worried about that
i can join on my main pc
but not this one
idk why
U calling me that?
how do u even know
if im able
to enable
the boot thingy
when its "enabled" in the bios
Get into the bios
Use ur phone to chat here
ok done
talking on me phone now.
Go to boot
Show photo
it says Enabled

now what
Click on other OS
What options do u see there
there's kind of alot
but useless
Show them please.
I just pressed on windows boot thingy idk
and it loaded windows
And who told u to do that?
my brain
Get back into the bios
that's what I'm doin
Get back there, click on other OS and show photo
wtf is OS

Open CSM
Show photo
bro wtf is CSM
Its written right there..

now wha
why do I have to show u everything smh
If u don't want my help, thats fine
I do want ur help but why do I have to show u
now what
Change launch CSM to disabled
okay done
now save?
Go to secure boot
okay next
Click on other OS
Show photo
then windows definitely?

and then what
Change it to windows UEFI mode
I gtg in like 10 mins
if u don't mind hurrying up
Open key management
Show photo

Save and exit
now launch valorant
Show msinfo32 again
Also ur pc doesn't support tpm 2.0
how do I make it supported
I was able to play valorant
and then the error came

:valQuestion: If you require assistance, please open a support ticket with Riot Support. This server's staff members are not Riot employees or developers and are unable to assist you with in-game issues. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us.
If you are receiving an error code, you can find out steps to resolve it here.
Make a ticket
the erorr?

wich one
i enabled TTP