Help, My valorant account is locked 😭
I opened the game after 3-4 days and this message popped up, I don’t know the why they locked it, i have played this game since jan 2021 it’s 3+ years old account and i had also spent a lot of money on it, it was lvl 345+, I contacted riot they are saying that they can’t verify if this account is mine 🥲, i sent them the screenshot Welcome to riot email , receipts and answered all the questions they asked correctly

19 Replies
maybe I ask did you perhaps share or buy the account? maybe a friend gave it to you etc.
What do you mean „they can‘t verify the account is yours“? Usually, they would ask stuff like the birthdate you entered or the full name you used. Also email and (if you linked one) phone number
(also this)
No, i was the one who made this account
It was fine till I contacted riot about a false chat ban and competitive ban placed on my account, after that issue was resolved. My account got locked 💀
What did support say? Like what did the last few messages look like?
Yes, I told all that information to them and also gave them all the relevant screenshots, but they said it’s insufficient
The first screenshot is regarding the false chat and ranked ban that was placed on my account and the second one is after i gave all the information

First = SpicyPie
@eoskoo @lyra | chico but better i also sent them this screenshot

Obviously Without the censoring
Could just be a communication issue, but don‘t take my word. Maybe first ticket misunderstood something. Besides that, you could try asking what else they could need. I would try to send:
Linked email
Valorant username and the general account username
maybe even the first and last digits of the password
Maybe screenshots ingame
Linked phone number
The full name the account uses
If you still have the riot emails, you could try to send the account creation one (if you still have that)
If you changed your usernames before, you could try providing the older usernames
Just any screenshots/videos that help
You have your riot linked to discord, you could try to use that too, with some proof it‘s your discord account
Just anything related to the account
You‘ll get it back, i believe in you
I don’t have the account creation one, i had to delete it for some reasons i cannot disclose
It’s good that i saved the welcome to riot email 💀, if i had not taken a screenshot before deleting my email address, i would have been in a even more worse situation rn lol
Oh yeah, i forgot you sent that one
Just give them literally anything
@eoskoo i have one more question, i had created this account using a Philippines vpn cuz a friend of mine told me that the valorant points are way cheaper there and also i can play in the same servers
Soo will there be any issues while verifying the ip address
I have not played using the vpn
I just used it to create the account
I don‘t know about the IP address. My vpn of choice is proton, where you get another IP assigned, which doesnt change. I don‘t know about other vpns though. It is not against riots tos to use a vpn, but (im not sure about that) it could be against tos to buy vp at cheaper price, because you can dodge regional pricing
Idk , i had just used some random free vpn💀 and it was 3 years ago idk
It’s not against the tos if your account is in that region
What was the false chat and comp ban even about?
The explanation of the whole scenario
Round one starts in get my 3 kills and die then my whole team gets bodied and the viper in our team is in a 1v1 against the opponent brim, man whiffs a whole ghost mag on brim (he was legit on his face) and dies, i say "lol Viper" nothing more than that, then in the second round i get chat banned for 50 hours and also a ranked ban, the funniest part viper was the one who was abusing everyone, using slurs like "M0th3rFuck3r"
"S1st3rfuck3r" “Fa660t” and many more
Auto chat moderation. Were you in a party with viper? If not, the auto mod is kind of bad, and sometimes marks you because it detects things that it thinks are threats but are not. Usually thats just an hour though. Maybe it‘s from another match too
Nah I wasn’t, i was in a party with Reyna in the match (irl homie)
I had played the game like after 5 days there no way it was from a different match
That was the first match of the day