VALORANTā€¢11mo ago

Is the map pool change this upcoming act or next episode?

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40 Replies
JSNā€¢11mo ago
ascent leaves according to rumors
Bupā€¢11mo ago
damn, i was hoping lotus, breeze, or bind would go. Ascent is a fan favorite so its sad to see it go. Any rumors or leaks of what map will be added back?
cooliomateā€¢11mo ago
why do they still even do map pools when everyone hates it
Bupā€¢11mo ago
I have no idea, and its out of our hands to make those decisions. Just hoping for fracture and haven to come back.
JSNā€¢11mo ago
I like the map pools, I just hate bind and breeze It makes it easier to learn the maps
Iampik10ā€¢11mo ago
bro i need this where did yuou get this
sbā€¢11mo ago
because if every map was in the pool, there would be too much variance, if they let you select queue maps, you can only queue maps that are good for your agent like cypher mains ONLY queuing sunset plus if you only queue maps your agent or you are good at, you are essentionally boosting yourself and if you play any other map that you didnt queue for the past 50 games you're gonna do shit
clairosā€¢11mo ago
cypher isnt good on sunset change my mind
sbā€¢11mo ago
better than kj on sunset :val_KekDoge:
clairosā€¢11mo ago
cyphers use the same setups on sunset which are easily broken by raze nade, sova shock, breach shock, etc
sbā€¢11mo ago
if you always do the same one way on B then ur brain-damage but the trip variance u can do is really good
clairosā€¢11mo ago
a valorant news account rumored that ascent, breeze, and bind were leaving and fracture, haven, and pearl were coming back
sbā€¢11mo ago
cypher on sunset isnt JUST about the one way on b you know :Phoenix_Sad:
clairosā€¢11mo ago
one kayo knife will make cypher useless b is so small and u can knife anywhere to get cypher
sbā€¢11mo ago
if they have a kayo u just play offsite with cypher and let ur tmm8s play off ur util..
clairosā€¢11mo ago
ok but that will only happen in asc+ lobbies with competent teammates diamond and below everyone has a huge ego and does what they want
sbā€¢11mo ago
biggest cap, in immo rn and nobody does that :val_KekDoge: nobody picks kayo on sunset honestly
clairosā€¢11mo ago
so whats the point in saying that if they dont even do it in ur elo
sbā€¢11mo ago
yep šŸ˜­ but if you ask them to they will
clairosā€¢11mo ago
see, that doesnt happen in diamond and below. if you ask someone to do something, they get mad and throw
sbā€¢11mo ago
plus competent cyphers are not that bad, they see enemy kayo always knife pillar, they just play market off their util you're overexaggerating
clairosā€¢11mo ago
im so serious
sbā€¢11mo ago
you're telling me that if i ask the cypher to setup on B and leave to play A becuase they have kayo ult theyre gonna say "no fuck you" and type in all chat "GG" and start throwing
clairosā€¢11mo ago
yes this is the valorant low elo experience people they think they are the best and dont need teammates when u ask someone to do something, they think ur bossing them around bc they are bad and then throw
sbā€¢11mo ago
believe it or not, most of your ranked teammates dont press the START queue button in their mind thinking "im gonna throw someone's game today"
clairosā€¢11mo ago
they tilt after 2 rounds of losing and then they throw their mental is horrible
sbā€¢11mo ago
i refuse to believe every game is like that
clairosā€¢11mo ago
derank to plat-diamond and youll see
sbā€¢11mo ago
i went from s3 to asc3 in like 3 acts and had someone throw once because of something someone said to them (they were toxic to that person) legit one thrower ive been in like all the ranks my dude
clairosā€¢11mo ago
ok but you havent been hardstuck long enough in this elo to see the worst of it im so deadass in everything ive said 30% of my games, people queue to just throw/troll 50%-60% of my games people will throw bc they tilt during the game
sbā€¢11mo ago
i play with my friends in plat-diamond nobody throws like ever
clairosā€¢11mo ago
thats why you dont solo q solo q in plat-dim šŸ™ having a duo/trio will change everything in ANY rank
sbā€¢11mo ago
unless ur saying "cypher setup B and go play A u keep dying with no impact on B every round" then i dont see how they will want to throw bro i solo queued s3-asc3 i played with my friends in plat-dia on my alt
clairosā€¢11mo ago
bc their ego is huge and they think they are the best so they dont like critisim, you tell someone to go somewhere and they think their ego is shattered
sbā€¢11mo ago
alr drop the vod
clairosā€¢11mo ago
igu later today when i play šŸ˜­
sbā€¢11mo ago
drop a vod of u nicely asking them to do smth for u and then they throw
Jidatā€¢11mo ago
No Not for now Next episode most prob
clairosā€¢11mo ago
they did ? nerfs etc
JSNā€¢11mo ago
Now they release them later during the esports events Clove only revealed at madrid, the new map gonna be revealed at shanghai

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