Is vibranceGui bannable 2024?
I want to know if vibranceGui is bannable
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Riot does not offer an official list of which software, hardware, or other modifications may lead to ban. Riot is constantly working on trying to keep the game fair for all players. They stress that any modification that causes an unfair advantage for players, will lead to a restriction.
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75 Replies
Riot does not offer an official list of which software, hardware, or other modifications may lead to ban. Riot is constantly working on trying to keep the game fair for all players. They stress that any modification that causes an unfair advantage for players, will lead to a restriction.
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It is not bannable.
I experienced temporary suspension soo i will stop using it now
Would of been from another software
I've used it for more than a year now with no issues
that doesnt say that it isnt bannable tho
there still is a chance that you will be banned for using it, you just wont get any information from support about what is and what isnt bannable
prob not
i use it for 1-2 years
never got banned
It isn't bannable.
it doesnt give unfair advantange either
Even if you did get banned for using it you can get unbanned
they dont unban people
I got unbanned xd
thats an honest L
for you and support
It wasn't support lol
Why is that an L?
how did you get unbanned then
cheating is an L. unbanning a cheater is an L
By asking very nicely
so it was support
no way
brother i legit got 2 week banned for ''afking'' in game why? cuz i had wildfires in my city
and didnt got unbanned
aint no way you asked nicely to get unbanned for cheating
and worked
so youre telling other people that a 3rd party app isnt bannable while not even the official support will tell you if it is?
also you cheated and got unbanned for asking nicely but not the support? sounds like trolling
according to the game yeh
idk support is weird
you need to ask a certain ticket
sounds like braincells falling from my brain ngl
let me guess
general question?
The fuck am i reading
it is :val_HeyApple:
elite unite
Lyda vs lyra
Ultimate showdown
Nvm its iyda
wanna poll?
discord is lit bannable :val_HeyApple:
doesn't mean I will get banned
but it iss
Where is none of the above?
where is gtfo
Who tf is u
only support sais that, and support saying "maybe, maybe not, lol" is not cool
who u
its even

oh no i'm getting banned
support says maybe yes maybe not
actually braindead
i have that running on backround for 1-2 years

never got banned for it
why would you get banned
bcuz it's a third-party software
So basically almost evry program CAN get u banned
so what
it doesnt give any advantage
doesn't matter if it does or doesn't
so why dont any other softwares get you banned
like spotify,disc or any windows services
Vanguard sometimes triggers a ban if it sees a uh non-ethical program running in the background
that can also get you banned :val_HeyApple:
almost every 3rd party app can potentially be bannable. you can use it at your own risk of getting banned
it's just very unlikely
same with vibrancegui
it can get you banned
but it's unlikely
well never got any issues
and its unlikely you will get any
but there is still a risk with it
would you recommend him to use it?
They will prob get unbanned afterwards anyway
it's up to you to take the risk
but as said the risk is small
The question was "is vibrance gui bannable in 2024"
2024 wasnt on the question but alr
And the answer is yes, but very unlikely
If u would read the post title
What the hell am I reading
"no not bannable, because im not banned yet. also ive been banned for actually cheating, but i got unbanned for asking. but not by the support" :derp:
Type shit
Reacting to ur own message smh
Hello I'm back
I was offline lol
I thought it was because of vibrance GUI it was from the Vanguard problem
Idk if my grammar is good lol
And then I reinstalled Both Valorant And Vanguard