Troll that was giving the enemy our info
Troll that was giving the enemy our info. He got pissed that he was bottom fagging and stared to spam our info in the chat as well as nadding us and bodybloking. He did not stop and we lost the game because of him.

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still, report in game. voicechats and text chats are recorded, if you report and they review it, they´re banned
10 Replies
report in game and go on
I am so pissed that I wish to do more than that
not worth it
He also spammed the n word on mic and told me to kill myself and slit multiple times
still, report in game. voicechats and text chats are recorded, if you report and they review it, they´re banned
They are not gonna do shit but ok
if you dont want to report what do you want lol
Insted of report i would like to deport him to gaza strip
not funny
Im being dead serious