VALORANT•11mo ago

Honest question, why do i always get less rr than my duo even tho i am playing better?

Its not even a one time thing, this happens every game. Is there a reason for this?
27 Replies
JelleOP•11mo ago
No description
No description
No description
JSN•11mo ago
Higher rank?
me•11mo ago
the rr you gain is based on how far your rank is from ur skill level; so the game things your rank is nearer to your skill level than your duo.
Aryan.•11mo ago
Hidden MMR + Visible MMR calculation
FloatinSardines•11mo ago
what's the specifics to hidden mmr like how does it work? is it based on acs, kd and hs rate? have people figured out its algorithm?
Aryan.•11mo ago
That i would not know
FloatinSardines•11mo ago
wish i could understand it more cus despite being bronze, i sometimes get queued into silver lobbies, can't tell if it's just people abusing the queue system or my hidden mmr/both
Aryan.•11mo ago
Nah it probably means ur doing great Both of my accounts are bronze My Silver Peak account gets more Silver/Gold Players but then my Bronze 1 peak account gets Gold/Last act plats
FloatinSardines•11mo ago
it sucks tho since my teammates are usually comprised of bronze 1-2 players that look like they just got out of iron vs 4 silvers who are completely competent, some are even above silver level from what i can tell
Aryan.•11mo ago
Yeah. Queue up with a bunch of good friends/players and you will get somewhere 🙂
FloatinSardines•11mo ago
i noticed that in queueing too, i decided to queue with a friend that has an iron skillset but is ranked bronze and i get easier lobbies, to top it off, it isn't even a full stack queue or trio, we were just a duo lmfao that's one thing i noticed about mmr, even duo queuers could abuse it, at least in lower ranked from what i can tell
me•11mo ago
Although they haven't published the algorithm (and never will) hidden skill rating is at least two numbers. One is based on how you contribute to every duel who it's against, and the other is based on match outcomes (and against who). At least these numbers are combined to make you hidden MMR. Ur ACS or scoreboard position isn't used. The higher your skill level, the less the individuals duel part matters, btw. Your rank is something similar, but there are rules that control how fast it can move. Because it moves slower, it can get diverged from ur skill rating. When this happens, you'll gain or lose more rank on a win/loss until it's converged.
FloatinSardines•11mo ago
ohhh, i see
JelleOP•10mo ago
but is there anthing i can do do to gain more? play without my duo or what? like last game i went 16-14 and he went 12-21 i lost 14 and he lost 12. Or do i just need to carry even harder ^
me•10mo ago
The only way to gain more RR is to increase your hidden skill rating, then win matches. You can raise your skill rating by performing better than you have been against opponents or teams at ur skill level. If you're losing more than 25rr on a loss, it means your hidden skill rating is too high for ur rank. So just win matches and you'll catch up.
JelleOP•10mo ago
It's hard to catch up if every time you lose so much eventho you top frag:val_KekwSob:
me•10mo ago
Didn't u mention you're losing 12 and 14 in ur matches?
JelleOP•10mo ago
My last match yh Sometimes 20
Xoki•10mo ago
Ur mrr is higher And ur duo mrr is terrible af So you get to his elo And you lose more and gain less
FloatinSardines•10mo ago
maybe just take a bit of a break every match, play a dm or two before hopping back in your rr grind or better yet, take a day or two off valo then come back with a long warmup, worked for me to help get out of consistent losses in bronze
warbled•10mo ago
your mmr is lower
FloatinSardines•10mo ago
well, update on my journey, i'm now s2 and my mmr seems to be well calibrated now but i keep getting teammates who can't play off util properly tho, it's offset a bit by me having a mic in the gaming cafe
warbled•10mo ago
thats because you are in silver keep improviung your mechanics when you get out of low ranks people will know how to use util
FloatinSardines•10mo ago
it has improved, been hitting shots i couldn't do consistently in bronze, i'm confident in buying a sheriff for eco rounds and using ghost to get some headshots in pistol on a good day, it play around more or less 20%hs rate
warbled•10mo ago
if your mechanics are improving then you can try out different guns for different situations you dont want to go a sheriff on every eco round sometimes you need stinger or bucky
FloatinSardines•10mo ago
been screwing around with the bucky, i love it since some people wouldn't expect me to rat around when i'm a bit more agrro in my peeks
Aryan.•10mo ago

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