Valorant not detecting my mouse
first time launch, val just didnt detect my mouse. mouse works in the rest of my computer, i also reinstalled val and restarted my computer, still undetected. im using a drawing tablet btw
also tried using my trackpad and just doesnt work, my driver might be the issue but idk
27 Replies
its either you have other mouses connedcted or the drawing pad pen disturbing it
oh i did have like a random usb for a separate mouse i dont use plugged in maybe itll work if i take it out
(the drawing tablet is my mouse btw)
never mind it still isnt working
these r the mice drivers and these r the usbs connected (the wacom on e pen tablet is the drawing tablet im trying to use as a mouse, which does work as a mouse anywhere else in my computer)

also the thing is, even if i disconnect the tablet, not even the trackpad works as a detected mouse for val
oh the wacom
i had the same errror
did u try reinstalling
the wacom app
and restrating your computer
it worked for me
im not using the wacom app for it
im using opentabletdriver
i dont think the wacom app is installed
I think the that’s the problem
U need a Wacom app
To access the drawing pad
which app btw?
Oh like just search up Wacom app
Click download
wacom has a few apps

is it called wacom center?
I think so
bc like the issue isnt necessarily that i cant use the tablet as a mouse
i cant use any mouse
like not even the trackpad
I think I know why
like they work on the rest of my laptop
but not for valorant specifically
I think your mouse has a software u need to install
nono like the built in laptop trackpad doesnt work
I had the same issues
So basically
What I did
i think i had deleted my mouse drivers at one point
Is I switched back to windows 10
Then my
My trackpad was working
ohh wait if i switch to a usb mouse it works
but not trackpad
I think so
no but my trackpad WORKS in the rest of my laptop
its specifically val
i feel like its a driver issue