Can't pick server when heading into range

Due to the recent packet loss issue I've been trying to deal with in the HK and Sg servers, i've been experimenting with Tokyo but noticed that when I select the Tokyo server on the main menu and hit range, I notice that I don't get into the Tokyo server. I can't tell which server it boots me to but I can tell that I'm in a diff server due to latency since my minimum ping would be at 80 for tokyo but I hit under 60 in range, could either be SG or HK but regardless, I can't properly aim train or warmup due to packet loss. IIRC, you can't check on the loading screen which server you're loading into when headed for the range but regardless, I want things to be as stable as possible so I'd rather deal with 80ms no packet loss atleast for my warmups.
1 Reply
Cain9mo ago
yeah the server selection is not absolute, oftenly valorant choose server with lower ping even though u didn't select them

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