pc blue screens or restarts after quitting game
i usually get error code -1 van but ive reinstalled vanguard twice now and nothing has come from it.
26 Replies
Does the game start correctly?
only on exit it will restart or blue screen my pc
it only once restarted my pc (mid game)
usually before it restarts i can't use any inputs so my pc basically freezes
started happening yesterday
Open task manager
Then details
Close evry valorant,riot client and vanguard related apps/services
Open control panel
Uninstall programs
Uninstall riot vanguard
Open cmd as admin and type these commands:-
1) sc delete vgc
2)sc delete vgk
Navigate to ur C drive then program files and find vanguard folder and delete it.
Then open riot client and click update
Restart ur pc after the update.
Can u reinstall vanguard like this please ^
mhm give me one minute to do all this and restart
alright so this popped up

i did try this earlier with cmd prompt i deleted vgk and vgc using same cmd and deleted vanguard folder aswell and restarted
possibly why its not there
U just uninstalled it using control panel
Thats why it isn't there
okay i assumed it wouldn't of uninstalled thats why that step was there
hold on
Its to confirm it was uninstalled properly
i see i see
alright hold on imma go restart my pc rq
alright back whats next
Opening the game
And playing
so real
And hoping it doesn't happen again
on the off chance it does
am i just cooked
it never happened like 2 days ago ive been playing consistently for a month
We can try other things then
should i just exit out to see if it'll restart or do a game first
probably a game first makes sense
Do a deathmatch
So u don't get afk penalties if it does happen
oh i did swift play
it usually happens after i exit valorant i think i should've specified that
Exit the game
im already in a swift play i can't now
i mean i asked before u said go in a game
I thought u alrdy finished the swift
Just finish the match
yeah its still happening
Is it van -1?
no this time i alt f4'd out of the game to see and it froze and restarted my pc
which is what happens msot of the time
Reinstall the game
First delete vanguard then valorant then riot client
Using control panel
this is going to take a sec to download ill let you know when its done
ok uh im ngl ive got school tmrw and its almost 2am so im just gonna let it download and go to sleep ill tell you if the problem persists tmrw
thank you for the help though
@jidat (sorry for ping) just letting you know that reinstalling valorant did not help