VALORANT11mo ago

Is there a way to Suggest things to Valorant?

we need an update on skins and their buddies. they have this feature that some skin buddies change depending on their variant...BUT THEY NEEED to update the old skin buddies so that they can change to their variants OR EVEN let us choose the variant so we can pair it with a diff skin...also we cant get skin buddies in accessories only battlepass buddies, so a solution...maybe put it in store rotation so we can also buy that. i mean like riot gets more money if they do this no? or are we trying to keep the skin buddies exclusive except for the random skin rotation we get? i feel like it would make Valorant more fun with the accessory side of things, quality of life gaming. Also can we get an update for spline T-T such a cool concept that was done half ass and theres no skin similair to the concept, so much potential T-T i want skins to be a lil more customable for a better damn game experience, skins are so damn EXSPENSIVE, You Might As Well Make The Experience More Player interactive. people are willing to spend sm money, give valorant a skin cosmetic update please T-T (only specifically speaking the Guns not agent side of things)
1 Reply
MixNix ★
MixNix ★11mo ago
There is no official way to send your feedback to Riot Developers. You can post your suggestions on: Discord, Reddit, and Twitter. Here you can hope someone that is a developer see’s it then they might (most likely not) add it to the game

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