big problem, need help asap
my boy got banned, below listed. if can have any help, or be able to talk (dev/staff) would be much appreciated ty

12 Replies
Its hard to see the "error" image
Can you copy/save it and send it here?
And what is the ban reason
ya, 1 sec
syas boosting, he's the only one playing on the account thouu
Is he in the valorant lfg server?

He could have asked for a boost in the server and a mod from the server reported directly to riot
possibility ^ most likely not the reason
he's immortal 3 400rr
i don't think we need a boost haha
lf a dev or mod to help
mods cannot help you (directly) as they only moderate the discord server
and devs don't really respond to forums
Tell him to contact riot support again
And that he should explain in full detail how he wasn't boosted etc.
Was he banned permanently within riot client?