give back bundle 2024
Shouldn’t the give back bundle 2024 be launched on 18/4?
46 Replies
i guess not
probably right after the current bundle (my guess)
ok thank
The skins for this bundle seem the same as last times
reaver op
reaver spectre
ion sheriff
oni phantom
yeah, the same as everytime basically
always oni phantom and ion sheriff
wouldve loved to see gaia ares tho

quite literally all the same skin lines
they dont put any unique skin lines into the give back bundle
always the same
probably because the majority of the players like them :hmm:
if that was riot's logic, why would they continue to put out shitty bundles such as the one rn
and not ones that people would actually like
if players wanted the gaias ares they couldve voted for it

half of the skins riot gave us to vote for was reaver
actually :Nerdge:
this time only 1/4

= 1/2
no one is picking an ares over a specter
or guardian over an op
its common sense
js wanna see some new skin lines in the bundle
maybe prepare a speech on twitter before the voting and tell the players what they should vote for :Okayge:
"prepare a speech on twitter"
ah yes, because my 5 followers on twitter will riot against riot to give better skins
whatever same thing
just saying how it is. majority of players want reaver over sov or gaia -> reaver will be in bundle
win win
win win win actually in this case - riot profits, players profit (kinda) + riot fund wins
they need to put recon phantom
I'd cop it
reaver is going down in demand bc thats all that riot showcases
i swear half of valorant has reaver
and yet its winning the vote somehow :val_PepeShrug:
because they put shitty skins against it 😭
i like all the skins this time, apart from the gaia lol
but its just personal preference
considering gaia only got like 20% of votes it says something
bc no one wants an ares skin 😭
also as far as i know no skins in the give back bundle is reduced in price, so it doesnt really matter what skin is in it if youre not planning on buying anything, they will come to your shop eventually
my vp actually goes to a good cause when i buy it from the bundle though
compared to buying it out of my shop
instead of giving more money to a multi billionaire company
i mean youre still giving them some no?
50% of skins go to charity
because they need more money and something to put in shop for a bit while they take time to make better guns
100% of cards and buddy go to chrity
the last thing they need is more money
these valorant addicts have set them for life
"they need more money"
yea i meant want lmao
nothing is wrong with "wanting/needing" money tho, its just a company at the end :2_PeepoShrug:
id expect a new map comes before a new agent but we'll see
players decide to pay or not to pay in the end
id think more money = more development
bigger paygrades = harder workers