I cant open my valorant tab
I just changed my monitor and just opened valorant setting and I changed the res to 1920 x 1080 it just tabbed me out of valorant I did everything, reinstall, run as administrator but it wont open and when I hold alt tab it shows that the clove background screen is working
Solution:Jump to solution
Turn off your pc completly and turn it on again tell me if it fixes the problem if not update your drivers
8 Replies
Help please
Film it rq

I couldnt record for some reason but I took a ss and when ever I try to go in the game by alt tab it wont let me but when I do on valorant it shows that its running but doesnt show the screen
yeah one more thing when my mouse cursor goes out of the boundaries it goes in valorant becasue I can hear the sound of the options
Turn off your pc completly and turn it on again tell me if it fixes the problem if not update your drivers
Thanks bro it worked
I am just dumb
it could have been because I was running the monitor with hdmi and a blue wire I removed the blue wire and it worked