WIll i get introble

Wait so will i get introble for quing with iron friends as an immo on my main or no
38 Replies
lune2mo ago
yes, they will nuke your house
S22mo ago
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamer2mo ago
obv. Yeah
Daprest2mo ago
but why though valorant made it so i could 5 stack with them
bruh2mo ago
if any mode other than ranked, no
Geniux2mo ago
if you will queue with irons as immo in ranked you will probably be banned for boosting, since it is against TOS
ms samuel
ms samuel2mo ago
thats smurfing bcs in 5 stacking ur playing with people while having strategies with a mix of iron and immo but as a duo or trio queue u will be playing in iron lobbies
Geniux2mo ago
its not :uhh:
ms samuel
ms samuel2mo ago
how though ur playing in iron as a immo
Geniux2mo ago
you can not smurf on your main account (immo) when playing with / against irons
ms samuel
ms samuel2mo ago
also its boosting
Geniux2mo ago
yes its boosting but not smurfing
ms samuel
ms samuel2mo ago
read the message it says will i get banned for play with iron as a immo on his main meaning he his playing on a alt with a rank of iron or smth
Geniux2mo ago
.... you want to play on your main or on an alt account?
ms samuel
ms samuel2mo ago
5 stacking with iron on ur main is not bannable
Geniux2mo ago
technically it is boosting :Hehe:
ms samuel
ms samuel2mo ago
boosting is when u play on a friends or another person acc as a much higher rank so if ur immo and play on ur friends acc whose iron thats boosting
Geniux2mo ago
when you play 5 stack with 4x iron and 1x immo you are expected to play against another 5stack with an average rank of around silver. can be 5 silvers, can be other 4 irons 1 immo, etc technically you are purposefully queuing with much lower ranks to play against much lower skilled enemies at the same time :Pepethink:
ms samuel
ms samuel2mo ago
yeah but in the end it will take 1 hour queue time plus u will get only bots doing a speedrun to radiant
Daprest2mo ago
I just want my skins man and I would only get like 10 rr per win if any so will I get banned or nah
Geniux2mo ago
as long as you dont push to radiant or something it should be fine :Hehe:
Daprest2mo ago
Duck ✟
Duck ✟2mo ago
I'm pretty sure from what I have gathered as long as none of the irons are smurfing, you can
Daprest2mo ago
Ok thank you
ms samuel
ms samuel2mo ago
Daprest2mo ago
Wdym no
Geniux2mo ago
"will i get banned or nah" "no"
Daprest2mo ago
Oh ok thank you
ms samuel
ms samuel2mo ago
u wont get banned since its a 5 stack and u can queue with any rank as long as its a 5 stack
Daprest2mo ago
Ok thank you iv just seen people get banned for it
ms samuel
ms samuel2mo ago
nah prolly 5 stacking on a iron acc not using their immo acc
Daprest2mo ago
No it was a radiant who was quint with his iron friends
ms samuel
ms samuel2mo ago
Prolly smth else that got him banned
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamer2mo ago
doesn't game equal out the ranks based on players and set a team rank
Geniux2mo ago
ms samuel
ms samuel2mo ago
he means the game will determine the average rank for the team and place u against a 5 stack of similar lvl so it will prolly be something like ascendant
Geniux2mo ago
oh yeah, afaik the game takes the average rank in the party and queues against another team with the same or very close average to that. if 4 irons queue with 1 immo then the average is around silver, so you can potentially play against a full silver enemy team or against 1 iron, 1 bronze, 1 silver, 1 gold and 1 plat. or other 4 irons / 1 immo ofc
ms samuel
ms samuel2mo ago