VALORANT11mo ago

My ping randomly rocked sky high after playing with a usually normal ping (30ms)

I have been able to normally play valorant on 29 to 32ms max before 2 days ago my randomly starts rocketing to ridiculous amount, my internet seems to be working fine, does this has anything to do with the servers? My ISP is MNC from Indonesia, May I please get some help on this problem
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6 Replies
clairos11mo ago
@Del Bringo What is your ISP, country you play in, and the server you play on?
OP11mo ago
my ISP is MNC from Indonesia, I usually play in SG servers as shown in the image above
clairos11mo ago
ISP - MNC Server - Singapore Country - Indonesia ? All that correct?
OP11mo ago
yes MNC play to be exact incase MNC isn't specific enough
clairos11mo ago
Multiple different countries worldwide are experiencing issues with their networks, the developers are actively working on it and there is nothing you can do as of now to prevent it.
OP11mo ago
Ah, I see thanks for reaching me out here I have been trying to fix this since the past 2 days non-stop LO

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