3 more VP for a eSports skin

Can riot games just give 3 vp for this? I cant believe that I need exactly 3 more vp this isnt even a joke.
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6 Replies
viggs3mo ago
yes, you need to submit a ticket here -> https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360003209673, along with a VALORANT releated fan art (can be as simple as a stick figure) basically they can grant users upto free 60VP, in exchange of fan art
데브솔로3mo ago
Oh man I have to make a fan art now the 60 vp is going to save my bank
viggs3mo ago
just make a simple one im ms paint or something they don't really mind as long as u just need under their 60VP limit
데브솔로3mo ago
i submitted a ticket already in a different category though i should resubmit through that one and a fan art
viggs3mo ago
aah, doesn't really make a difference but you need to submit fan art no matter what so just attach your image file in the current one ig
데브솔로3mo ago
alright got it