Why isn't my secure boot working even though I already enabled it??
63 Replies
Press win+r
Type msinfo32
Show ss

it says off even though i already turned it on...
The fuck are u trying to run valorant on
help wdym
That is probably the shittiest system i have ever seen in community help
well thats embarassing
U are gonna run val at a solid 10 fps on that
Get into the bios
Use ur phone to chat here
okay hold on
Im in
Go to secure boot setting
Show photo

Change secure boot mode to custom
Then restore factory keys
Then save and exit and u should be good
Enjoy val on 10 fps š
Ah okay
Hah thanks man
Also do u play genshin on that shit?
I use my phone for genshin
Yeah good
Also i ain't even sure if val will even open on ur pc
How do i save
Like u did last time
Me neither but im gonna take risks
I forgot
Show the full bios screen
There should be a key bind shown att the bottom

Oh wait
Should i click esc first?
Alr thankyuuuu
Aah its a laptop too
U will have a blast playing val
(Like literally a blast)
Metaphorically or literally?
If it runs
And the cpu is being used at a 100%
Oh dear lord
I bet the heatsink on that laptop is alrdy cooked
Its like 20 years old
I bought this like
Where did u get that laptop from?
Last year or something
For how much?
If u say anything above 10 dollars i will loose it
Mm i think 4 million indonesan rupiah
Uh how much is that in dollars
Wait let me convert it
247 dollars....
yeah u got scammed
Im cooked
What do u use that laptop for?
Its only meant for school actually but I've been doing the impossible with this thing
Uh huh
Have u tried any games before val?
Not even meant to be playing val
Roblox osu project sekai
How did that go?
Stuff like that
It went well
Ofc osu went well lmao
Idk how many gb that is šš
Open val now
Also before u do
Open task manager
Then performance
Show a photo
Okay eait wait
Wheres performance
Ill take a pic

2nd option on the left

Hm goodluck with val
Thank you
And thank you for your help
May god save u and that poor laptop and the 247 dollars u spent.