I've been playing Valorant for almost 2 years, and this only started happening in the last year of playing. Whenever I try to strafe/shoot while moving, my character stutters inbetween movements and shot. It might be hard to tell through this clip, but every time I strafe there is a slight stutter. Not sure how to fix, and I am hoping that someone can help me fix this.
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Why am I stuttering/rubberbanding inbetween shots? (HOW DO I FIX?) ...
Watch Why am I stuttering/rubberbanding inbetween shots? (HOW DO I FIX?) and millions of other Valorant videos on Medal, the largest Game Clip Platform.
51 Replies
Turn on all the network related graphs
And show another recording inside the range
Its the packet loss problem
Contact your ISP
Whats that?
What do you mean by that?
Your internet service provider
Enable the packet loss stat
Bro Im sorry I sound dumb asl but what does any of that mean can u give me a guide or something
Go to "video" settings then go in "stats" and find "packet loss" set it to graph only or text only
Okay Ima record another clip with that on
I don't think its a packet loss problem..
I just did the exact same thing and its still at 0% packet loss
Record it if possible
Change every network related thing there to graph only please.
Its most likely rtt stuttering
Okay Ill send in another recording
Medal - ⭐️ Clip up to 4K 144 fps for free!
Watch STUTTERING IN VALORANT and millions of other Valorant videos on Medal, the largest Game Clip Platform.
Yep its the RTT jitter
@lyra | !! ur case, tysm.
Wait, so what should I do?
Wait for lyra
@lyra | !! ??
Don't ping her
She will reply on her own.
Oh okay mbb
Any update??
Also if this makes a difference my Val takes up 31.1 TB. I factory reset like a month ago.
lol i reinstalled 4 times
bcs of this
visual glitch , it isnt 31 tb its around 31 gb
my valorant also frequently makes me rubberband randomly even tho im on like 11 ping
idk how to fix it
youre cringe
@gaviiinwin + r and type msinfo32
send ss
hey im uh at school rn i get off at like 3:30 and then i gotta get gas so it might be a while before i can try
What did i do :val_HelloBro:
@lyra | !!

whats your computer model?
you can also find more drivers here
install them and tell me if it gets better
okay i just got back onto my other laptop cuz i was having some charging issues but i will download them right now and see if they fix anything
okay, i installed them and nothing seemed to get better. still stuterring and lagging in the range
what servers are you on?
(tracert > "%USERPROFILE%\desktop\Tracert.txt"
trun that in cmd
then a txt file should appear on your desktop
show it
command prompt?
i ran it there and nothing happened
a text file should appear in your desktop name tracert.txt
Guyz help me also my graphic driver crash issue pls slove it
yo any one knows why i have on every res black bars on side
alr got this
Clean ur pc
Like.. wipe it with a towel??
Or like.. clean the softwares..
doesnt hurt either way
it should be more
thats the only text that shows up in that file
@gaviiin did u ever get it to work
im waiting for lyra
i got the same shi
im having the same sort of issue and just wanna know what i can do i made a tab in the comm help section
can you just run tracert then
and send me a screenshot of the cmd
It keeps going but most of them are just request timeouts