penalizied because of my power went out and now i gotta wait one hour
i was playing with my friend and my power went out so i didn't really think much about it then i open it back up and i gotta wait an hour.
what should i do????
58 Replies
Same for me as well
they really gotta remove penalities
Also in rank
they make me think csgo is better
I haven't been toxic
like wtf
I hit lv20 was gonna play with my bros and got hit with this
192 HOURS!??!?!
I've never used vc
Nore talked in chat
same here
It's like a 8 days ban
what should i do tho
Wait for a mod to reply
And pray
Queue restrictions cannot be removed most of the time.
Just wait the hour out
it has already funny
Cs has penalties too
did i say anything about that tho?
csgo is kind of russian tryhards
it happend again
U r ruining people's games by going akf, hence the restriction.
Its not the other player's fault that ur light keeps cutting
ik but goddamn
my power is ass
and btw do you mean "AFK"
Stands for "away from keyboard" but evolved to mean idle
So stop going afk
buy a power generator
Like wot
read the title of the post
@BloxPa @chair its bc you go afk / idle in matches including non comp ones
that odesnt just happened due to a once in a while power outage
I got automated 1 year ban and few months bans in the past its they’re not reverse-able support is gonna tell you those are automated bans
i had 335h because of it
nothing crazy
cant do anything about it either
just wait
It's a sign to either create an alt account to circumvenr the ban, or just play another game (wait out the ban).
Personally, I chose the second option
same here
update i got another 167h ban
Its almost exaxtly the same in CS2. But have fun with premier lobbys xD watching spinning entities is fun
js wait an hour bro
Have u tried not going afk my g
Also if u get too many afk bans, u will eventually get a year or maybe a 100 year ban from the game. (The game not just comp)
im not fkin afk
all of the times i got banned is because of riot
i never got once afk
each time
i get on
and like 2-3 rounds in
the game crashes
van 1
and support is useless
tell that to riot resulting me in over 3 months in ban length i total :val_KEKW:
Open task manager
Then details
Close evry valorant,riot client and vanguard related apps/services
Open control panel
Uninstall programs
Uninstall riot vanguard
Open cmd as admin and type these commands:-
1) sc delete vgc
2)sc delete vgk
Navigate to ur C drive then program files and find vanguard folder and delete it.
Then open riot client and click update
Restart ur pc after the update.
that’s the most stupid shit i’ve ever heard
no offense
after sum days i actually agree
Yep isn’t that fun having your teamate leave the game
It could just be like overwatch 2 and queue people into your match halfway through :fbthinking:
Ah yes it will be lovely to queue into an ongoing ranked match that the team is losing
Nothing wrong with that :shrug:
Better then losing with only 4 people in a team 👍
I don’t give a fuck hro
A lose is a lose
You still get xp at the end of it tho
Nobody gives a 💩 about exp
If you are playing ranked for exp may aswell go play swiftplay or unrated
When did I mention ranked 🤣🤣
Some of us want to actually complete the battle pass and get our money's worth :okcool: :okcool:

I don’t think they care too much about unrated
Play swift play
You get exp for ranked thoV
This would probably make a lot of people rage more.. nobody would want to join a team where they enemy team has 5 rounds head advantage.. also this would fully remake the matchmaking. the likelyness of this happening is lower than G2 winning masters madrid xD :val_KekwSob:
bro leave 1 round = 1 hour penalty