d3d11 Error
Hello, today i installed BlueStacks and played some games, after that when i tried to launch Valorant i got this error. Before that i could play as normal.
I manually reinstalled Dx12 Drivers.
Uninstalled BlueStacks.
Repaired Windows c++ libs.
I even reinstalled Valorant.
updated all Windows updated available.

10 Replies
What gpu do you have?
its integrated into my cpu
intel iris Xe
Install Directx 11
let me try
bro i got directx 12 and now i cant downgrade it.
and according to what i read in the internet i dont need to because directx 12 also contains 11
Do you have your drivers installed for that GPU
yes, i controlled it with device manager and there were no updated etc.
but now im trying to reinstall them manually
Device manager is not a suitable way to check for updates
You'll have to download it off of Intel's website
i did so now its installing
i hope it works
it worked! thank you