I got False Ban, how to fix this? T-T
hello, i play valorant just for fun, and i don't even have any running background app besides discord while playing valorant. i really am confused, i played with my main account (that got permanent suspen) until 6 am (5th may 2024) and then i played my second account until 9am without any problem, when i try to login back to my main account, i got this notification. I play this game like shit T-T but i keep playing because it's fun and i will never cheat on games, what's fun about playing if we are cheating right..? i spend quite enough money to buy my favorite skins, so i'm so sad that my account got false ban like this.

61 Replies
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
thankyou so much, i'll try this and give update in here..
:2_peepoSalute: (i already know the answer)
did u get any response tho ?? (it'll take a long while to get one ig)
Write a support ticket explaining your situation, there is a slight chance that they will unban you.
I recently got perma banned, then after a couple of days they I could play the game normally. The next day valo support answered my ticket saying that it was their anticheat mistake.

I was also unfairly banned in the same way, my account worth 300 dollars was lost, I contacted support several times and did not receive a positive response
If your appeal is denied, you’ll get an automated response
If you are unbanned, you’ll get a manual response
I opened support 6-7 times and sent the necessary files, but the answer is the same in all of them. Should I open more support? Will the answer change because I am really a victim?
Making more Support tickets won’t change the answer
Once ban is investigated, which happens when your ticket is created by an actual human. That’s it.
The investigation is closed
False bans rarely happen
Even though you don’t know why you were banned. You were banned correctly
I have a few other friends who have the same problem. They also get the same answers. My computer is new. There is nothing installed on it. I don't understand how it could be other than Valorant.
So, in which category should I open a ticket? Could I have opened a ticket in the wrong category?
Show me the response in your ticket

Hello, I would like to state that as a result of the detailed examinations we made on your account, there was no mistake in the disciplinary action applied to your account. Since these investigations are carried out in detail and in line with definitive evidence, it is not possible for the restriction to be lifted in the future. If you would like to learn more about the subject, please do not forget to check the TERMS OF USE articles in section 7 of our Terms of Service. If you need help with a different issue, you can contact us with a new ticket.
I called support a few times and the answer I always get is the same.
Yeah, so your ban appeal was denied
So why did I get banned? Even though I have been playing games for a long time, I got banned on my 3rd day with my new computer.
Where did you buy your computer?
itopya brand
So your computer is new
And it wasn’t used before it was given to you
Did you create your account?
I was able to play for 3 days
The account was the account I used to use.
So you did create your account
When I first bought it, Valorant did not open, it gave me a secure boot error, I used the bios and got banned after 3 days.
my acc
Did anyone else play on your account?
Moreover, I got a hardware ban
Yes, that’s normal
So what should I do? All my efforts were in vain. Moreover, I bought the computer to play Valorant.
The following reasons are all of the reasons your account could have been terminated!
Impersonating any person, business or entity, including an employee of Riot Games, or communicating in any way that makes it appear that the communication originates from Riot Games;
Publicly posting identifying info about yourself, Riot Games employees, or other players;
Harassing, stalking or threatening other players or Riot Games employees;
Removing, altering or concealing any copyright, trademark, patent or other proprietary rights notice of Riot Games contained within the Riot Services. You also may not transmit content that violates or infringes the rights of others, including patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, publicity, personal rights or other rights;
Engaging in any behavior which we reasonably believe is objectionable or offensive to other players, including communications or conduct that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, sexually explicit, misogynistic, prejudicial or racially, ethically, or otherwise objectionable;
Transmitting or facilitating the transmission of any content that contains a virus, corrupted data, trojan horse, bot keystroke logger, worm, time bomb, cancelbot or other computer programming routines that are intended to and/or actually damage, detrimentally interfere with, surreptitiously intercept or mine, scrape or expropriate any system, data or personal info;
Avoiding, bypassing, removing, deactivating, impairing, descrambling or otherwise circumventing any technological measure implemented by Riot or any third party to protect or control access to the Riot Services or any part thereof;
Spamming chat, whether for personal or commercial purposes, by disrupting the flow of conversation with repeated postings;
Participating in any action which we reasonably believe does or may defraud any other player, including by scamming or social engineering;
Using any unauthorized third party programs, including mods, hacks, cheats, scripts, bots, trainers and automation programs that interact with the Riot Services in any way, for any purpose, including any unauthorized third party programs that intercept, emulate, or redirect any communication relating to the Riot Services and any unauthorized third party programs that collect info about the Riot Services by reading areas of memory used by the Riot Services to store info;
Accessing or attempting to access areas of the Riot Services that are not made available to the public;
Selecting an account or user name that is falsely indicative of an association with Riot Games, contains personally identifying info, or that is offensive, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, sexually explicit, racially, ethnically, or otherwise objectionable. You may not use a misspelling or an alternative spelling to circumvent this restriction on name choices, like user names. Riot Games may modify any name which Riot Games reasonably believes violates this provision, without notification to you, and may take further disciplinary measures, including account termination for repeated violations;
Non-participation, logging out or exiting a game during live game-play. Riot Games may track this data over time and issue a temporary ban when a player is determined to have left mid-game too many times. The length of the temporary ban will increase over time if a particular account continues to leave live game play;
Playing on another person’s account or otherwise engaging in activity intended to “boost” an account’s status or rank;
Inducing or encouraging others to breach the User Rules or these Terms;
Using the Riot Services for any business purpose without our express written consent or after we’ve asked you to stop using the Riot Services.
I was banned from 3rd party software
Wouldn't opening more support help me unban?
On your first created ticket it would have been an investigated
The investigation is mostly already closed and the decision was already made to not unban you
Your account has an open flagged saying that your ban appeal was denied so any new person that looks at your ticket will instantly know that they should send the denied message immediately and close the ticket
How many months will the device ban last?
The error code
Van 152
indicates a hardware ID ban. This ban typically lasts around 4 months. You can appeal and discuss your ban on the official support page by using the link below.
Submit a support ticket here: https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/requests/new^^^^
But of course you have already submitted a ticket so don't do that again
My friend did not receive a positive response on his first support, but his ban was lifted on his second support. How come?
That is support decision, not mine
good news my acc unbanned guys
i have the same issue
i got banned (10/05/2024) bcs i think the hacker use cheat on my account then my account got banned
Ya I see u playing Valorant rn so
SAMEEE, but fortunately the hacker automatically detected before they play the game, so my account can get unbanned
mine was like- the hacker hacked my account then play it using cheat, so it got banned before i send my ticket 😥
Please unsend that
alright dude what the flip
same thing happened to me just now
the way my case is kinda unfair cz i think if the hacker wasn't using cheat on my account,it wont get banned / permanent suspend 💀💀
can someone help me 💀
if they already play, and the red screen "cheater detected" already appear, i'm so sorry hun, tthere's nothing u can do
im js guessing the hacker use cheats but like idk if its true or not
i think i need to talk w the riot person TT but idk how to contact them 💀
i dont understand if its only a penalty and i hv to wait for 4 months or literally "permanent" 😭😭😭

Val 61 is due to behaviour
You got banned because you were toxic, not because of cheats
okey thankss
so if its not bcz of cheating, i could get my account back or no? 😿
Likely 4 months
4 months but it can extend??
You can make a ticket and ask for the duration of the ban
where can i get the notification??
You’ll receive an email update
okeyy thank you so much
hopefully i get back my account asap 😭