So whenever I try to open the game I get this error and i dont know what i have to do

131 Replies
Press win+r
Type msinfo32
Show ss

i have tryed to fix the secure boot unsuported bs and it did work for a bit but then it went back to unsupported again
That definitely shouldn't have happened
well yes
and i have not a singular idea on what i have to do
Open disk management
Show ss
where is that?
cnat find in search bar
Right click on the windows icon at the bottom left
U should see a disk management option there

some things are on my language if you dont understand ill translate
Right click on disk 0 on the left side of the blue lines
Then properties
Then volumes
Show ss

Open cmd as admin
Type this command
mbr2gpt.exe /validate /disk:0 /allowFullOS
Show result

Now this command
mbr2gpt.exe /convert /disk:0 /allowFullOS
Show result

Do u know how to get into the bios?
yeah here comes the problem
i have tried to change to ufi mode
but if i do my pc wont boot
idk if i did something wrong tho
Now it will boot
As u just wrote the 2 commands
Get into the bios
Use ur phone to chat here
K im in
Switch ur bios mode to UEFI

show a photo after doing so
Show photo
Ok i just cant find where to change it xd
1 sec

Uefi only?
Change launch CSM to disabled
Show photo

When did it show that?
When i set it to disabled
Show photo with CSM enabled

Originally the first was UEFI and Legacy OPROM
Saving and exiting should work
I just wanna confirm first tho
@Saucywan u awake?
So leave it enabled?
For now yeah ig
Or do a thing
Ok it booted up thats new
Well nvm then
Press win+r
Type msinfo32
Show ss
Secure boot is on

Back into the bios
We didn't enable tpm
Ok im in
Or did we..
Cpu config
Show photo

Now now
Where tf is it
Get back into windows

Press win+r
Type tpm.msc
Show photo
Maybe this?
Exactly that actually
Tpm device selection
What options do u see there?
Discrete and Firmware
Change it to firmware
Show photo

Save and exit
Once in windows
Press win+r
Type tpm.msc
Show photo
Its booting slow af
And it say preparing for automatic fixing
With a blue screen?
Yeah i entered my password now it diagnoses my pc
Show a photo
And i can choose to restsrt or special options
You wont understand a word its all on my language
Once again its booting slow af
If it gives a blue screen after restart again then we will need to disable tpm for now
ye it does
So next restsrt into bios?
Click restart again but this time enter the bios
Just put back tpm to discrete?
Ok what now?
Im in windows
Press win+r
Type tpm.msc
Show ss

U sure i asked u to write msinfo32?

Also try opening the game, it should give u a slightly different error this time. Show the error.
im doing that rn
Cuz u won't be able to enable tpm for now
What happened?
It only gives the error after some time tho
Nah nothin
Just another case of enabling tpm rendering system unable to boot into windows
Yea show the error when it gives u the error

Ig we can try disabling vbs
Open cmd as admin
Type this command
bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off
Show result
i have tried that but i searchd it up on google and supposedly i reallys shouldnt do that

Ehh shouldn't matter for an average user
what does it do?
Also, he needs to update his bios
Hm yeah
For tpm to work
@Saucywan also whatsup with this? ^
i did
Try opening the game
but what does vbs do?
Lemme google that rq
game seems to work fine
Also if u want to have vbs enabled
If u are doing some like stuff which has the risk of getting ur pc corrupted or hacked
U need to update ur bios to enable TPM
how do i do that?
Then u can just enable VBS again
I think u need a usb to update an asrock mobo
With nothing on it obv
ill just stay with vbs off
Sure lol
if i want to enable it i just use that command right?
with on of course
Okay ty mate
For the help
Make sure the required driver to boot is on the drive
Aka the conversion from mbr to gpt
aka make sure your drive is in the right format
Uh huh
how do i do that?
Also how was secure boot enabled when we never disabled CSM
We alrdy did that
Magical wizardary
With the first 2 cmd commands
I will take that as a "idfk"
holy s
the last time i actually played the game was in betas
Probably because it says it's going to try to do as UEFI first

We never even enabled secure boot
It auto enabled 👍
who are the best initiators rn?
Depends on the map rly
oh hell naw how many maps are there?
I would say kay o is quite decent on basically every map
Ig there are like 6 in rotation rn
wtf is breeze fracture and pearl
Make it 7 actually
anyways now like an average valorant player imma just go straight to competitive