5 Replies
If your Riot Client is not opening and is showing an error, the first step is to identify the error code it displays. Here are some general troubleshooting steps that can help resolve various issues:
1. Restart: Simply restarting both VALORANT and the Riot Client often resolves most issues.
2. Check Riot's Support Site: Verify if there are any ongoing platform issues or maintenance that might affect the game.
3. Firewall/Antivirus: Ensure that your firewall and antivirus settings allow VALORANT and the Riot Client through.
4. Update Windows: Make sure your operating system is up to date.
5. Reinstall Riot Vanguard: Uninstall Riot Vanguard and VALORANT, restart your computer, and then reinstall both.
6. Admin Rights: Try running the client as an administrator.
For more specific actions, you can refer to the error code guide in the Riot support documentation: https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us. If you still face issues, check the error code displayed to follow the recommended steps.
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Just reinstall the client
so if i redirect the game path
it would be fine right ?
it says i need to uninstall valorant first
even thats not working

damn that's tuff
delete the whole file
of riot games
also clean everything abt val from ur pc
then reinstall