mr mmr is fucked plz help

im stuck in gold 2 and i keep getting in matches with plats - asc and smurfs (level 20-30 2kd) while i lose 15 and only gain a bit over 20. What do i do?
12 Replies
Geniuxā€¢3mo ago
stop play ranked and see that casual is more fun šŸ—£ļø
Aryan.ā€¢3mo ago
queue up w ur friends šŸ™‚
jidatā€¢3mo ago
Stop playing val and see touching grass is more fun šŸ—£ļø
Geniuxā€¢3mo ago
i wouldnt go that far but you got a point
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ą¶ž ą¶žā€¢3mo ago
i wanna play ranked tho
Geniuxā€¢3mo ago
whats ur ingame name
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ą¶ž ą¶žā€¢3mo ago
No description
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ą¶ž ą¶žā€¢3mo ago
i have 36% winrate šŸ¤‘
Geniuxā€¢3mo ago
your peak is dia 2, so ur mmr is probably very high in comparison to your current rank
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ą¶ž ą¶žā€¢3mo ago
you think if i keep losing my mmr will reset?
Geniuxā€¢3mo ago
yeah but it will take incredibly long lol for anyone interested
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ą¶ž ą¶žā€¢3mo ago