help me please
Hello, I've been trying to find out for two hours now why my riot is telling me "account not found" even though my username is this one. Someone can help me ?

32 Replies

your sign in username does not necessarily have to be the same as your riot id
meaning that the name you used to log in with, will always stay the same, even if you change the display name
So what was the first name I had?
It's the same thing...

you can request a reminder for your sign in username here:
I already tried and it doesn't send me an email as if I no longer had an account
if you can't even request details of the account then you either have the wrong email, its ended up in the trash for some reason or it may have been compromised
you can try using the automated recovery tool here:
Recover Your Account
If you forgot your Riot Games username, can't remember your password, or need help recovering a compromised account, you're in the right place. Find your issue below and click the associated button...
alternatively you can make a ticket with riot support and ask them with help regarding the account
i have the same issue :::
im working on it
ive found someone to help but im pretty sure its a scam idk
@Glow_y please feel free to help me out if you found something useful


see i have the same
might be stollen bro
happened to me the same
how would it get srolen
like can it be hacked ?
i think it did get stolen
cause i cant find it on Val tracker
i couldnt find any of the in game purchase receipts even tho i had them on my email
like they dissapeared
Is instant gaming illegal?
Maybe because I bought on Instant Gaming?
nah ?
3rd party resellers like that violate the TOS of the developers and thus will have you banned if caught
on top of it, websites like this commonly crack accounts and then sell them which can get you on the hook for criminal charges as well, fun right?
sorry i just hopp on pc
bassically they steall ur acc and mess up every fkin setting there when u try to log on browser says doesnt exist, ur account anymore
if u bought the account sorry to tell u but u have slim chances to get it back, when i got mine back the party i was in (they were in game) they said they bought the account (my account) and the site that sold it said is legit (they spent 80Ā£) to buy it, tbf i started to swear their mums and familly and cause riot changed the acc back to my email, those guys were trying to reset the password i got like 9 notifications on my email :d:D i mean i felt bad in a way for them, they bought the account with skins and 10500 vp points(my credit) but if u didnt build the account i feel bad for u
even if u have 20 receipts u bought the acc from a website
their T&C is against buying or selling accounts (at least in eu region)
for me the weird part was i got another acc and i was seing my older acc match history
so i realised someone is playing on but i couldn
t do shittt for like 4 5 hours till riot sort it out
I m on a disc server where ppl build acc to lvl 20 sell them without skins for like 7 8 $ and after 5 6 months they tell riot someone stole their acc, and they get them back with lvl 50 60 and skins for free and those ppl that bought them can
t do anythingNo I made my acc myself
ND got the skins myself too
u know the dates u put on?
if u do ill help u get back the acc in 24hr top (is weekend) :D:D
Yeah I made like 3 tickets to get it back
But I don't have the original email I used anymore
how did u buy vp points?
is it connectee
to like google or smthh
go to the valorant buck icon in the top right and click
it will show
it was a question for him. he lost account
yo im new to i cant help you but we can play
Y'all riot can't give me access back to my acc
I don't have even have access to the email I used to sign up
That s why