laggy game with good hardware

My game is really laggy, it takes up to 5 minutes to Open the game, when i try to check skins the game freezes for like 30 seconds( for each skin), it takes Forever to load into the game, i ussually cant play pistol round cause of that , and today i miss clicked the mission tab when you are on agent pick, and the game Froze and never came back , i was with a friend and he told me he was alr on round 2 and then the game closed, i tried to open it again and after like 5 minutes of not loading , it crashed again I know people who have a bad PC and the game doesnt have this problems. This is my hardware NVIDIA 1660 super 16gb RAM 500gb ssd ( not full) Ryzen 5600 G No the game is not running in the CPU graphics , everything is fine with the computer , i play heavier games and it works just fine, and val runs on 160 fps or something , thanks for reading all this, and hope anyone can help me
4 Replies
Lipton (SY)
Lipton (SY)11mo ago
i have the same problem, opening up the game takes like 3 minutes, skins take like a minute to load, and even to "warmup" the game i have to deathmatch first because on any other game modes i will get warning for being afk Even the first deathmatch i queue takes like a good 7 to 9 minutes to load, and the subsequent deathmatches i only load when the highest kills is at 12-17, never lower Queueing unrated, swift or comp is another hell, it will get stuck at "match found" for a good 20 secs before going into agent select, after everyone selected their agents, it will get stuck at agent select for 1 to 2 minutes before going into the map where everyone has their player cards and titles. before going into the match either one of two happens i start at timer 0:42-0:20 pre round (the good outcome) even then everyone else probably had to wait so long cause of me i load into round 1 timer at 1:30-0:40, and then suddenly im last alive and feel bad that i cant do anything bout it IF someone dodges the queue then its the worst case scenario for me, i will get stuck on the map im loading out of, even if another match has been found, if im lucky, i load into agent select with timer counting down from 11 or 10s, at least i can pick my agent last minute but most of the times what happens is i get stuck on the map im loading out of, and the next map agent select timer has run out, so i havent even loaded into the agent select but dont get to pick my agent, and im considered as someone who dodged the queue, then i get penalized i really hate how i get penalized by this when its not really my fault but oh well heres my rig GTX 1650 super 8gb ram (x1) ryzen 5 2600 1tb hdd that my valorant is installed on, 128gb ssd where windows 10 is installed
SableOP11mo ago
A guy asked me if the game was installed on ssd, and i said yes, but he Said that it ussually resolves the issue, even tho it didnt work for me, you could try
Akira <3
Akira <311mo ago
As someone with an intel i7-8700 cpu, 118gb ssd and intel UHD 630 graphics card. It is most DEFINITELY your end, whether its Internet or wrong hard drive. Download the game on your SSD, it helps a ton I mean that. Massive recommendation is to disable IPV6 as it fucks with valorant and causes issues Im too pissed right now to send a tutorial but you can search it up Open tickets with support, they will perform a ping plotter to check if its your internet end, explain the situation. It's a good start. Just don't spam with tickets
SableOP11mo ago
Thanks for the advices but i already tried all that, believe me , im a computer technician, i asked here to see if the problem is from the game or if i should just buy a new PC, i doesnt have nothing to do with the internet, believe me, the only thing i can imagine is t the ssd storage has a bug or something , il prob end up replacing the ssd if the problem presists

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