When will riot fix this? everyone is having the same problem for some time now, today i played a game of comp just one game. i get this "ERROR VAN 1067" like 10 or 15 times in a single game of comp. i already tried everything to fix this problem nothing works.

31 Replies
i've been warned alot every game i hop into i will get a warning, i play a game of unrated, swiftplay, etc. i will get a warning for afk. my pc is completely fine but it's just valo man, it keeps crashing
hello, would you say that you play and then 3min in it crashes and shows van 1067?
or something like that
yes definitely 3-5 mins i crash
i alreay tried the "services" > "vgc" > "automatic"
that can be a reason but from my experience it isn't the problem
really? i search it on yt that's the only thing people say it would fix it
try this:
1) Go to Settings for the Windows computer.
2) Click Time and language > Language and region > Administrative language settings > Change system locale.
3) In the Region Settings dialog, make sure that the Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support checkbox is selected. Click OK to save any changes.
4) Click Apply.
Next up, go to:
Start > Settings > Time & language > Date & time.
There click on sync now.
okay let me try

i didn't have the chance to even apply it
and it is forcing me to restart
you can press later
then apply
and then restart
well when vgc is crashing every 3-5 min its usually a problem with the date and time encodement
okay i did all the step that u gave to me, i will play a game or two of valo
i will let u know if this error thingy still pops up
i sincerly appreciate ur help, thank you so much<3
good luckkk!!
just ping me
😂 error van 185 now

@jidat :val_Hampter:
wait for him
he is more knowledgeable with errors than me
Never seen that in my life
@Saucywan :val_Hampter:
wat the fuck
It’s a new error code
By chance are you in India?
This error has already been escalated
Please just wait for a response from riot
riot hates us atp
im in indonesia and im playing in sg servers
they finally did it

brother you respon to my post alot in the past :val_Hampter:
he very asleep
i got restricted cuz of that
cuz of their problem
yet i get restricted
yeah same here, i've been warned alot i think in a few days im suspended probably
I was very asleep
how did you fix it?
mine is still not fixed
same here