system requires restart
Hello guys. When i try to start the game this error appears. I have also reinstalled valorant and vanguard.

38 Replies
That doesn't look like the riot launcher
Would you mind sharing the entire photo

Open task manager
Go to startup apps
And make sure vanguard is enabled
ye i mean it was always enabled and is still enabled
nothing changed

Open cmd as admin
and then enter
Then send a photo

And I'm guessing you already restarted your computer and it is still asking you to restart?
The issue is most likely a software interfering with Vanguard's start
Please download auto runs
Autoruns for Windows - Sysinternals
See what programs are configured to startup automatically when your system boots and you login.
ok done
Next is to run it
And then go to file -> Run as administrator
Then give it a minute to load all of the softwares on your pc
After that uncheck anything that is red or yellow, Excluding Vanguard and any software that fails to be disabled
Restart your computer and try Valorant again
same error
it says both are still stopped
Send the photo

win+r, msinfo32, send a photo

Open the registry editor and go to "Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options"
Make sure the key "DevOverrideEnabled" is there and try setting it to the value of "1"

Right click the empty space by (default)
Then new/Dword
Name = DevOverrideEnabled
Value = 1


Is this your first time trying to play?
no i've been playing before
this just happened random
How long ago?
3 days
And how long have you been facing this issue?
it happened yesterday
So within two days you most likely downloaded something that is interfering with Vanguard
Do you remember any software that you have downloaded that is currently running in the background on your computer?
I have installed some drivers for phone connection to pc
got anything else i could do ?
try this: press win + r > type services.msc > click any service and then press v > you should see a service called "vgc" (if you don't see it in the first go, keep pressing v until you find it. if its not there at all, then there is an installation issue and w ill require a reinstall) > once you find "vgc", right click it > select properties > set startup type automatic
it doesnt let me start it

You should probably create a ticket with riot. But your best course of action is to try to roll back windows
You could also try a clean boot if you wish to do that
Just let me know
had the same issue yesterday night, reinstalled Vanguard and it was fine afterwards