So my account got locked
I'm sorry if its too long of a chat but i will try to keep it as short as possible for you to understand.
i have trouble signing in since february when i got hacked by other person, he manages to unbinded my account gmail and use it as him/hers, for what i do know about is i took my account back from the recovery and it really works.
after i change my account details, my account got suspended/locked for no reason, i thought i got it back, and until some days later i found out that i can actually make a ticket and recover my account.
until, until these months i still cannot believe they arent replying one of my tickets, i spent around 200$ on my val acc and i grinded to ascendant 2, is there anyway to get my account back from the suspension or my locked account?
these tickets don't work, i already tried couple of times without spamming, i really would need some help, i could pay you anything to make my time more shorter and get my account back, i will send proofs, anything that i know along this 2 years back then i played the game till now, and i still have the memories for it, but the ticket i sent is like 6 times on total and all they say is "Hey user I've investigated the account and unfortunately the information you have provided doesn’t match this account or is insufficient to help me verify you as the original creator. Given the situation, I am unable to grant you with access to the account. Please understand that these steps are taken to ensure the security of our players and their accounts. I'm sorry I cannot help you out this time! _Seeing as there are no new concerns though, this ticket will now be closed" i literally spent alot in this account and i really want it back even if i pay you, it's not worth to waste 2 years of my life just to play this valorant if i cant really get this back and continue my journey to radiant.

15 Replies
You should talk to riot devs to help you out then after that submit another ticket riot they will ask for your payment methods that you used or riot receipts in your email it usually works in these type of situations but riot support has been shit in the past couple of months this would’ve been easier if it happened 6+months ago
it's rare for valorant devs to help another people due to their account locked/suspended/bans because they can't confirm which is the real owner, even a month ago ticket that the dev says i am not the original owner of the account, i do really need a real devs that can talk in discord tho. Even i browse alot how to do it, there is 0% way unless if we actually talk in discord 1 on 1 because whoever is the devs in the ticket support, they won't trust what is in the information even though it was real
the reddit is literally how my account was locked

all i know i searched up my name in valorant tracker to see what did the hacker play, and he plays swiftplay for 3-4 times and quit, for what i know is i tried to get the account back but it works, unfortunately it got locked
Cant you show them receipts and compare the ips
That’s what steam does.
I guess riot doesn’t do that
They only asked about your in game informations
such as like account creation date, first skin, first buddy, when and what basically
Why can’t you tell them about your first skin
They still wouldn’t believe you?
i legit told them 100% i know
Also can you send a screenshot on what you said in the ticket
i sent ticket for like 4 to 6 times on total and they never help, today i just sent one more atleast a week a time.
i just said basic stuffs that my account got locked, nothing much except for the evidence
What’s the point of the ticket system if you provided the correct information and they promised if you provide those specific info they will reactivate it
Didn’t know the riot ticket system was this shit
But i saw some guy made a tiktok about it and I helped him the comments he got it back a month later since a dev saw it you should look into your tracker and provide more evidence maybe make a tiktok about it
thats really really a weird way to retreive your account for sure, making tiktok doesnt mean that it will guarantees your account will get unlocked
True but your case will gain more recognition
the reply

Provide screenshots
still got locked