VALORANT12mo ago

How does competitive restriction work?

Recently I was playing a normal unranked match when my Wi-Fi decided to cut for a bit of time, and when I got it back the game decided to say that I was afk and that I should get a time restriction. I was level 20 after the match ended and when I was looking at the Competitive menu, I had a 100 hour ban. (This happened yesterday aswell, but this time a 170 hour ban). Can someone explain this to me? Cuz I don't know if its just an error or a thing that is implemented in the game
2 Replies
Geniux12mo ago
it is indeed a thing that is intended to be there if you afk too much in normal games, you will be restricted from queuing competitively
striderOP12mo ago
okay but another thing how much (and can I) normal games do I have to play for that to ''shorten'' the duration like i played around 20 - 30 games without any afk'ing but rather than shortening the duration it got longer by 70 hours.

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