Virginia server has 70+ ping
So I'm from NC and my main server is N. Virginia which usually has 20 ping but after the episode 8 act 3 update it has had 70+ ping. I have tried everything I can think of to fix it. I have reset my router, I have closed and open the game 1000 times. I even uninstalled the game and that didn't work. I have spectrum internet idk if that has something to do with it. I would like to mention that every other server has their normal ping its just virginia. Please if anyone knows anything to help I NEED some help thank you.
45 Replies
ok spectrum sucks
so i reccomend an ethernet cable
but its never had this issue usually its good
i have this issue -_-
do you have spectrum?
wtf is that
i live in VA now it sitting at 80 and others servers just fine idk y
internet provider
for how long?
it back now i had to use tcp optimizer and use ipv6 cloudflare
that fixed it??
ive been having this issue for like two weeks
i need a fix desperately ðŸ˜
Use tcp optimizer
Change the dns to
sg's tcp optimizer? or are you using a different one
bc i dont see the option to edit my dns settings
wait maybe im just not very bright
are you optimizing it in tcp and setting your dns in windows settings
ohh i gotcha
i'll try that thanks
My Virginia server seems to be running fine now but it still says I have 70+ ping so maybe it’s a visual glitch atp cause my game is running smoother then it was before I tried all this stuff
cant relate i tried tcp optimization and changing my dns settings
and my va server def has higher ping than it should
but every other servers ping is what it should normally be
caps my bad
i do
it might be a spectrum issue
they better fix ts then ðŸ˜
cause everyone i've talked to that has spectrum has the same issue
spectrum always buggin bruh lmao
ong 😠ðŸ˜
ts is so lame
but just try what Chef said cause mine is running fine but it says i have 70 idk whats going on
yeah i did all that, i'll try running a game on va anyways and see if it runs smooth enough
that does not work bud
i suggest using DNS Bench and using the best dns server just makes ur internet more secure/safe
not sure abt lowering it
u can go the google server or cloudflare
google is good
idk why i got 40 ping from val but wtv

did u follow the instructions of tcp optiimzer on yt
i dont use it
what internet u have
im act good now
but a day ago i wasnt
temp idk y
like do u live near the server?
pretty much
im pretty sure theyre in ashburn
same i used to be at less 10 ping
yeah the tcp optimizer and dns settings didnt do anything for me unfortunately
im still not sure if my issue is a spectrum issue or a valorant issue atp
its probably spectrum issues
has anyone managed to fix this yet other than chef
bc it's getting so annoying im on the verge of just uninstalling for a while ðŸ˜
Can you DM me a traceroute to
?I would but I have absolutely no clue what that means can you explain how to do that and what it is?
1. Open up a command terminal
2. Type in
and hit enter then copy and paste the result in a DM to me. Will probably need to let the traceroute finish before sending me the result.
I have a gut feeling Spectrum is sending your packets on a tour of the East Coast.Lol they definitely are but the strangest thing is last night they were playing with my feelings my ping was normal for 5 minutes then went back to being bad it’s like they were giving me a taste before crushing my soul again
Do I need to open val and be in a game on Virginia server?
Nope, you can do it whenever. When playing VAL in NA you'll always get back as the address.
I DM’d you my results let me know if I need to run it again I’m not sure it worked correctly