VALORANTβ€’2mo ago


my game started crashing multiple times to day wich it hasnt done before with this notification.
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18 Replies
Support Agent
Support Agentβ€’2mo ago
The error code VAL 7 indicates a possible account suspension or an issue with your network. Here's what you can do to troubleshoot: 1. Check for Account Suspension: Verify if your account has been suspended by checking your email or notifications from the VALORANT Discord server or the Support Site. 2. Network Reset: If there's no account suspension, try resetting your network settings: - Open Command Prompt as an administrator. - Run the following commands one by one:
netsh int ip reset
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /flushdns
netsh winsock reset

netsh int ip reset
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /flushdns
netsh winsock reset

- Restart your computer and then launch VALORANT. If the issue persists, consider submitting a ticket to Riot Games Support for further assistance: https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us
I am an AI and I can make mistakes, please verify my answer. If my response solved your issue or answered your question please right click this message -> Apps -> βœ… Mark Solution. Thank you!
soosa007β€’2mo ago
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soosa007β€’2mo ago
it happened again after restarting my internet
miitaclassβ€’2mo ago
I get these same ones all the time today its probably a game bug
soosa007β€’2mo ago
❀️ I'm happy I am not alone. so it isn't my pc acting up I might had left it running last night while I fell a sleep and tought maybe it overheated and broke something
soosa007β€’2mo ago
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soosa007β€’2mo ago
miitaclassβ€’2mo ago
nah i think its a valorant problem im currently in game and keep crashing 😦 i get van 7 or van 1067
soosa007β€’2mo ago
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soosa007β€’2mo ago
saaaame I kinda wana yell at someone just to get my anger out xD It happens honestly not abig deal friend just messaged me to play today after cleaning the whole day and I was looking forward to gaming now just disapointed I resterted pc at this point too 😦
miitaclassβ€’2mo ago
that sucks 😦 i was looking forward to playing too after a long work day
yesir82β€’2mo ago
this happened during my ranked game im banned for 146 hours now needed a break from this game nevertheless
Laddβ€’2mo ago
Happening to me too
Jonexyβ€’2mo ago
Same <3 error code 185 or 1067 :)
soosa007β€’2mo ago
yeah sometimes servers going down is good way to be forced to take a break. I'm try one spikerush just before going to sleep for the day just to see if it'll work finally.
R A H U Lβ€’2mo ago
@soosa007 @Jonexy guys u got 1067 error ?
soosa007β€’2mo ago
yeap I restarted everything, my pc, my internet.... during the day I disconnected from every game but for somereason in afternoon before bed when I tested if it still doing it. Welp my game worked 2 spike rush
TVCβ€’2mo ago
i have error code 7, help me pls
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