game wont start
Valorant game starting issue

145 Replies
Open valorant win64 shipping
already tried that
said the same thing with no access
Show the error its giving
I need to confirm the path

And this
Are 2 separate paths
Did u move it to C before showing me the 2nd error?
@𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖆 also do NOT msg this guy
wait let me sent u again

this is the error

and this is that
Right click on valorant win64 shipping
Then properties
Then compatibility
Show ss

its in german

Uncheck that
Then apply
And ok
Try to open valorant win64 shipping again

no access
Open riot games folder
Then valorant
Then live
Right click on valorant.exe
Show ss

its @𝕷𝖚𝖉𝖜𝖎𝖌 with the problem, you can keep talking here. He sent the ss

Click that
clicked it

The 1st one

Click that

its telling me to test the program before pressing next
Click test the program
Before I had the problem I did "ipconfig /flushdns" in the CMD, maybe that's what's causing the problem?
Prob not
nothing happens when i press it
Press next now

its asking me if the problem was fixed
and if i want to safe it
rerun it with other settings
or to send ist to microsoft and search for an other solution
Click yes the problem was fixed and save the settings

close right?
Yea close
Now do the same steps for valorant win64 shipping

same here
Open valorant win64 shipping
as admin?
or normal
Never run the game as admin

same problem
Right click on it
Show ss

Do the same for valorant.exe

left exe, right shipping
Open cmd (Command Propmt) as admin and enter:
icacls "C:\Riot Games\VALORANT" /grant Users:F /t /c
Show result afterwards
Gimme like 15 mins
Need to get dinner
Also thats not a normal response
thats ture
i was running normal before
i reinstaled everything too
same problem
bon appetit
hey, sorry to ask but r u back?
Uh yeah
Ok so thats not supposed to be like that
Lemme translate it
Run the command again

same thing
U r on an admin account right?
yes yes
Huh weird
wait let me check
Open cmd (Command Propmt) as admin and enter:
icacls "C:\Riot Games\Riot client" /grant Users:F /t /c
yeah yeah i did that
you can see in the upper left corner that im in admin cmd
Administrator is admin
i have another user on my pc
its GCC_Filedrop
Show result for that one
ah sorry

it says with one file theres and processingerror, maybe thats the problem?

thats his account
@jidat game started now
but whats up with the cms thing
i did some reading
and thats def not normal
U mean this?
Doesnt work for me aswell
Google lens can't translate it properly
So idk what it is actually saying
i try to do it my self
Account name mapping and security detection were not performed. 0 files processed successfully, 1 files encountered a processing error
i restart the game and see if its still working
btw i have another issue
i have ping spikes in valorant every 10 secs, 400ms
i did the ipconfig /flushdns
it got a bit better
Open cmd as admin
Type this command
now its 80-90 ms ping spikes
ping -t
Let it run for about 3-4 minutes
Then press ctrl+c to stop it
Show ss of the summary at the end.
so let it run for 3-4 min then stop an then ss
Stop it by pressing ctrl+c on ur keyboard
After 4 mins

Hm yeah maxing out at 77
try this
netsh int ip resetipconfig /releaseipconfig /renewipconfig /flushdnsnetsh winsock resetnetsh advfirewall reset
i cant find it in settings
the translation wont work
Skip it
Do the other things
Set random hardware access in that to change daily... cant do that
i dont find it
Skip it too
What rly matters are the commands lol

No need to show photos
okay gonna reboot now
there is an error tho
Nvm the error
Screw the error
I can't understand shit in that
okay gonna reboot
I need to sleep
Imma just finish this ticket and maybe 1 or 2 more then sleep
so rebootet the wifi
now the pc
okay i have a few windows security pop ups
Show the pop ups

thats the first
i have 2 more but i cant see them yet

Yeah allow access them all
ah okay
did everything
Open cmd as admin
Type ping -t
Let it run for 3-4 mins
Then ctrl+c to stop it
Show ss of the summary
i also have cat 8 lan cabel
and my ethernet is only messing around in valorant

same output
its wierd that i have 77ms ping max in 4 min
but in valorant match i have like 200-400ms ping spikes every 5-10 secs
Disable ipv6
Set dns to

kinda looks like this
where do i disable it

the lower part right?
like this?

Also thats rtt lag
Not the actual ping
whats that
Update ur lan drivers
I am going to sleep now
thanks for you help
@lyra | chico but better help them madame :val_Hampter:
install the latest LAN & WLAN (if available) drivers
if that doesn't work run a tracert
port forward ports for valorant
gl jidat
where do install them
oh jidatttt @jidat
win + r msinfo32
show ss

@lyra | chico but better sorry i was eating
can't read the text

its in german
download and install that driver
try out again
okay i instaled it
try out valorant
okay thank you
okay it works
thank you