Hot take (crybabys butthurt dont read i dont want you yapping ot me) valorant devs are greedy,cringe
Valorant developers are greedy and have no emotions or feeling or sympathy for the people out there working 9-5s or for kids wanting skins. Their battle pass skins sucks and every other skin in the iutem shop costs more than some peoples monthly rent. 60$ for knife skins when you don't get a single kill with them and all their used for is movement speed. Theres kids in africa and the southern wests of countries starving and looking for pennies while these g reedy developers thrive off of scamming poeople with the "night market" what a sketchy name. Reaver skins like the ghost cost 20 dollars and also cost 20 seconeds to make and think of. Its a purple ghost with spikes and armour. How is that cool, this is basically brainrot. The greediness that is invovled in this game is as weird and dumb as gedagedigedagedayo memes on tiktok or skibidi toilet. Its so corny how people in this game can even play and watch as their bank accounts drop just like the amount of vitamin d that they get each day playing this game. using skins thinking that its gonna boost their rr when the only thing its gonna boost is the hatred their family has for them and their weight gain. Heres the reaver ghost i made in 20 seconds in paint to show how easy it is for this trash greedy game to produce skins and put a 540$ price tag on them.

179 Replies
bad post
how, im here to debate.
they don't need to spend anything to play the game
yea but the skins are there and there are poeple who want skins
not the place
So true
compared to other games kskins are way cheaper
skins do nothing
no i need help i need help on rioting against such an awful greedy system.
take this out to twitter
yea but compare them to other games, some people feel the need to collect them
and valorant offers very nice skins at the price tag of a fortune
you can resell
1800 for ak
can you resell guns in valorant
you can refund
The night market is obnviously the biggest scam ever seen
same as you
basically a gambling website atp
not even a gamble
you need to pay smthing and get smthing
Yea it is the card flipping basically is its such a dopamine filled thing
and thats a gamble
just for them to gtet more sales
Skins r such a big part of the game that is what makes the game so different from others, but only being able to obtain these skins from money makes it so people who are not as fortunate can't afford guns. Unlike other games, valorant costs more than anyone else
Exactly what im saying
they don't do shit tho
like rust skins, unturned maybe
yea but htey are a big part of the game for some others
they look coooooool
And some people waant cool skins
if we remove all val skins
but the devs want to make the skins and knives 50$
it still be the same
it would be more boring
@Chovel skins lowk add a little aspect to ther game it feels way more bland
but the devbs make it unaccessible
they look good = make players feel good
than why not make them free if they dont do shit
In a study, scientists proved that having skins boosted confidence in video games.
then its cod
what wrong with cod
cod skins can be earned
but the game cost 170 usd
if val made skins free
they should do that with valorant to
game will cost the same
Yea notice how we used ot have a stystem in valorant with the agent levelign system
leading to free skins./
They removed that
and the player base is dead
thats how greedy they are lol
for waht game
still grinding base
no its not there still 100,000's players daily
"It's not merely a matter of aesthetics," Dr. Vanguard explains. "Skins have the power to instill a sense of confidence and identity in players, leading to heightened focus, improved decision-making, and even enhanced motor skills." (Vanguard CBS 4) 2023
Skins can change some poepels game as it empowers them to play and encourage them
they don't
yet valorant makes it unaccessible, expensive and removed the only system in which they gurantee free skins
ur just fucking wrong
According to a study conducted by the Institute of Virtual Advancement (IVA), gamers who equip customized skins in their favorite video games demonstrate a staggering 25% increase in overall performance metrics compared to those who opt for default appearances. This significant boost encompasses various facets of gameplay, including reaction time, accuracy, strategic decision-making, and overall win rate.
@Chovel so?
still does nothing
skin's don't add dmg
It obviously does, valorant is obviously greedy for rewmoving their free skin system in return for a 1% sale boost :/
not the point some people want skins/ likle them and valorant made them more rarea nd expensive
now tell me what do this do

Notice how knives are used the least each game and gets you 0 kills yet each costs you 60$, genuinely such a greedy and corny thing
iur mpot getting the point, skins are overpriced in this game for such basic skins
You might be thinking, “Hey, that sounds kind of fun,” but hold up—it’s not all high-fives and victory dances. This trend has some pretty rough sides to it. For starters, kids are getting mixed up in it when they shouldn’t be; we’re seeing young gamers betting their shiny virtual goods without realizing the mess they could get into with real money on the line.
It blurs the lines between gaming and gambling way too much for comfort – I mean, problem gambling is no joke!
Exactly, so expensive
Also introduces a new world yes, but valorant makes this inaccessibl eby not either using trading or reselling
I know
Official vote is this forum right or not
Claim: valorant is a greedy game and thigns can be made way better
I agree
i agree
its their game
not ours
we can't make it ours
it a game for the people
?? "its the presidents state not ours we should let him bomb all of us"
and they are not forcing you to pay
it is a publicly owend stock too
so not our problem
Like what a blind take, we might as well become a dystopian society.
so it is our "game"
however in the contrary it is our problem
But anyways, im glad some people have my vision
so who here agrees?
no one does
nah i agree hes right
lets take this to reality
I agree foremost, valorant is so expensive and took our only ingame free skin system which is the agent leveling one they removed for "kingdom credits" thinking that it'll make it up byu giving us banners, such a selfish companuy
Chovel, do yo not agree this game is overexpensive?
ope there goes gravity
first just play another game
play cs2
is it asking much for them to lower their prices just a smidge
bud you said it yourself an ak in cs2 is 18k
and in the last years valorant has raised the prices on skins
or make it so you cna chose how much credits you can buy so you can buy a spacififc sick
you can find them cheaper
And firstly
And lastly*
we cannot find smthing overpriced
if it the base price
we cannot find smthing overpriced🤓
60 dollar knives that looks like my grandmas cane?
And Firstly🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓
and lastly
Guys, guys ,girls, boys, lets get back to the seriousness.
do we have a base price or not?
wait so what does skibidi toilet have to do with valorant skins
you look like :Agent_Gekko: :Agent_Astra: :Agent_Valerie:
your name is just misspelled shovel
if you read it he was comparing it to how corny and overpriced skins are
Was comparing to the cringeness of the pricing
meaning but we don't know how much it worth tho

oh mb i thought you were saying something abt it
yes more than it is worth
meaning but we don't know how much it worth tho🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓
the skins are noth worth 60$
is there a market price of the worth?
he showed you that even he could draw it
According to a industry analysis conducted by GameMetrics, the average base price of video game gun skins across popular titles stands at approximately $10. (Gaul CBS 2024)
defintion of worth
the value equivalent to that of someone or something under consideration; the level at which someone or something deserves to be valued or rated:
Lets see the average price of valorant skins.
diffrent every game
average base gun skins.
the avg val skin is 147$
so that is the base price
The average cost of a Valorant skin varies depending on several factors, including rarity, complexity of design, and in-game features. However, according to a fabricated analysis by Virtual Insights, the median price for Valorant skins typically ranges between $15 to $25 USD. This estimate takes into account a wide spectrum of skins available in the game, from basic variants to premium collections with elaborate animations and visual effects. While some skins may be priced lower or higher than this average, the $15 to $25 range serves as a general benchmark for evaluating the cost of cosmetic enhancements in Valorant.
yea that shit is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to high
so we take base price 20
and make it 10
15-25$. and lets not talk about how thats a 130% increase in price and the skins that are 20$ look like someones dog's cat's poop smothered on a wall.
if it double we say over priced
200% increase is normal to you?
thjis just shows how dystopian the world is now
imagene your trying to buy elden ring for 60 daollars and you hit checkout and they take 120 $ from you
average is 10 and when some shit is costing 70$ thats way overpriced
youre lost with reality.
Theres so much people struigglinga nd youre fine with the skins costing 200% more to buy
did you add dlc's?
also is valkorant lowered there prices they would have so many more sales
skins arent dlcs
they dont add new content
they just ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shiny
Id rather spend 10$ on afucking brawl stars pass then a sorry ass skin that looks like someones ballsack, im sorry.
Thats jsut the truth how they dont even try to make the 15-20$ skins look good and make them purposely bad
smite phantom can easily be given an animation but nope, its just asscracks on a blue phantom :D
Hey mom! I wanna buy a cool skin

here you go son, my last 15$
that shit cost like 25$
that is a old photo
Mother i know were struggling but can i get a skin>


Love it when my son makes me pay 10$ for a blue gun
looks worse than the classic
so it doesnt matter they have never changed the price
would you rather have 5 chicken sandwitches or a shitty blue vandl\
🦗 🦗 🦗 🦗 🦗 🦗 🦗 🦗
Hey! can i buy those legos?
thatll be 45$.

would you rather have a 8 peice chicken bucket from kfc or a fucking rectangle
I meant 89$*
id rather have fucking poop spike from brawl strars
crazy how this one skin solos 100$ of all valorant skins under 400$ 😭
solution add a marketplace
Yes, so you agree theyre greedy
buddy got real quit when he brought up poop spike
and a new system
should be implemented
go dig a hole Shovel
Im glad that we were able to convert you into this belief.
I can't beliebve so uch people are blinded by this
It feels so.. dystopian
to say the least
Its giving.. hunger games
its givinggggg maze runner
real quite now arent you
this is corrupt and Im not fazed by the immense population agreeing with valorant.
doingthis here does nothing
bring it to twitter
and pin riot
good bait but close thw thread already
People when they can't buy skins in a free game:- 👹😡🤬👹
Like who is forcing u to buy them
There is no issue here so this post will now be closed
No one is forcing you to buy anything. If you have complaints about how everything works, please contact Riot directly.
womp womp
go cry to ur mom
Get off this game