so i've seen a few youtube videos reddit posts and even people in this discord server say val is spyware and i'd like to know if theres any solid proof its spyware besides being in ring 0 or smth
33 Replies
It has kernel level access to your pc. It could be Spyware, but if you play games, you've You've probably give multiple people kernel level access.
yeah but have there been any actual known incidents of riot stealing ur info
Same with google
Not with riot actually
I've never heard of riot doing anything with your data
But Google interns were selling private data at some point
do you play val urself?
also why does vangaurd need to run the entire time ur pc is up even when valorat isnt open
To look for cheats
when val isnt open?
There are almost mo cheaters in the game because of it
yeah thats true
You can bypass anticheats otherwise
do you play val tho?
You can also just close vanguard, but you have to restart your pc to play val
i see
For 4 years yeah
dang alright
Up to you though
i heard people say val had spyware and it kinda spooked me cuz i've had experiences with spyware and malware and overall sketchy stuff before
If you're that worried, just don't install it
already been playing for about a year
just started seeing the rumours
Vanguard isn't the only kernel level anticheat
yeah i know that just a me proble ig
seeing that kinda stuff throws me for a loop
The safest thing to do is get off the internet tbh. There's always risks that your taking just by logging in to anythjng.
the thing is there hasnt been any actual incidents of people having spyware or stuff like that besides vangaurd being a kernel level anticheat so the game is like 99% safe but it having that much access to your computer is putting me off so i've been playing but also being like: "but what if its collecting my data rn as im just sitting here" so idrk what to do
I mean it's probably collecting data
But it's not like riot has done anything with it
so far atleast
its just skepticism
and i also dont wanna just up and quit valorant
cuz like yknow
i like the game
in a scenario where riot was collecting user data and doing anything malicious with it wouldnt they have huge legal issues
Not if it's hidden
yeah ig
does valorant being owned by tencent have anything to do with all this
Yeah people have been speculating all the data is going to china because of that.
China probably has all my data anyway because I live in the US
according to vanguard team lead penguin something, its only the driver running 24/7 and you could exit it. It is only accessed when a riot app is running but in order to be accessed at any time it must run all the time
what you do with this information is up to you