unfair perm ban

can someone help me out, few days ago ive got banned for logging on my account on my friend's computer cuz he had ban in valorant but didn't mention it, i sent 3 tickets to support and i have a feeling that every response is like generated by some bots, anyone knows if there is anything i can do to get unbanned?? (even if i logged on his pc i wasnt even able to open the game so i couldnt even play thats why i cant understand why they cant just give me like 30days ban insted of perm)
16 Replies
Support Agent
Support Agent4w ago
It's unfortunate that you're facing this issue. Unfortunately, bans due to violations of VALORANT's Terms of Service, including logging into accounts on banned systems, are typically stringent. Here are a few steps you can take: 1. Detailed Appeal: When you send a ticket, ensure it's detailed and includes any evidence supporting your claim (e.g., time-stamped screenshots, conversation history with your friend). 2. Patience: Sometimes, it takes time for Riot's support to respond thoroughly. Avoid multiple ticket submissions for the same issue, as this can slow down the process. 3. Official Communication: Continue to use official support channels only. Avoid public forums for sensitive information as Riot staff will not address bans there. If Riot determines the ban stands, it may be difficult to reverse. Refrain from engaging in activities that violate their terms to avoid future issues.
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eskovia4w ago
yo do you have soloroa on your pc? like the roblox cheat
N33ske4w ago
nah i never cheated in any game
eskovia4w ago
oh alright
N33ske4w ago
i belive its because my friend had a ban on his pc IP and as soon as i logged it banned my account as well so i basically didnt do anything bad and im wondering if there is a way to get unbanned
eskovia4w ago
If you message riot support like make a ticket idk if they'll help since you broke the account sharing rule but I'd try it out the worst they can do Is say no
N33ske4w ago
im heading to sleep and will make a ticket tommorow but thats the case i didnt break the rule cuz i didnt share account just wanted to play on my own at my friend's place
eskovia4w ago
ohh so his computer was banned and you login on there that makes sense
N33ske4w ago
thats right
eskovia4w ago
but they probally wouldn't believe it still try it tho
Akonimas4w ago
thats unfortunate pretty dumb you got banned for his ban
N33ske4w ago
right? anyway im going to sleep
Akonimas4w ago
i dont think that should be bannable but welp thats riot’s decision
N33ske4w ago
i will update you tommorow
boop4w ago
theyll unban you they can see hwids theyll be able to see you logged in from a new pc just make ur story buyable
DowDaw4w ago
https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360003537994 - submitting a ticket is the only way, can't help you here.