
Hi, Every-time I get on Valorsnt, it says vanguard not initialized, and when that doesn’t happen, it sometimes ceases, and give me an error message that my graphic drivers failed. 😞 . I looked through so many websites, I need to know how to the download the latest intel hd 620 graphics.
2 Replies
Support Agent
Support Agent10mo ago
It sounds like you’re dealing with a couple of issues: Vanguard initialization and graphics driver failures. For the Vanguard issue, try restarting VALORANT and the Riot Client. If it persists, uninstall Riot Vanguard and then restart VALORANT. If it's still problematic, it could be due to background software causing conflicts. For updating your Intel HD 620 graphics drivers, follow these steps: 1. Visit Intel's official website: Intel Download Center. 2. Search for Intel HD 620 drivers. 3. Download and install the latest drivers. Make sure to follow the prompts. Additionally, ensure your operating system is up to date and your graphics card settings are correctly configured. For more detailed information on any step, consult the official Riot Games support.
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NamikazeOP10mo ago
i want specific response, like step by step

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